SHADOW REPORTS: Sustainability is an important aspect for a multinational company like Johnson and Johnson. Social sustainability is equally as important as environmental sustainability. One example of a flawed sustainability effort is the case of Johnson and Johnson baby powder in correlation to increased risks of ovarian cancer. In an article by Berfield, Feeley, and Cronin Fisk it is made known that thousands of women in the last decade have sued the company due their diagnosis of ovarian cancer. They argue that the product should warn consumers of the risks of using the product. Many female consumers argue that they used the baby powder because it was a custom passed down from generation to generation, and none of these women had ever been informed of the high trends of ovarian cancer. Johnson and Johnson now identifies the dangers as well as the benefits of the products it releases. Millions of dollars of been paid by Johnson and Johnson for compensatory damages (Berfield, Freeley, & Fisk, 2016)
Materiality Issues
GRI Guidelines
J&J Evaluation
Stakeholder inclusiveness
The organization should identify its stakeholders, and explain how it has responded to their reasonable expectations and interests. All stakeholders are mentioned in the report. Especially, suppliers and external manufactures who help J&J manufacture their products. Some of those stakeholders are the customers who purchase their products, such as doctors, including its employees who play a key role in the success of J&J.
Sustainability context
The report should present the organization’s performance in the wider context of sustainability. The report displays the goals accomplished by J&J in order to make their organization a sustainable one that is making a positive impact to the planet. J&J strives towards Health for Humanity 2020 goals.
The report should cover aspects that : Reflect the organization’s significant economic, environmental and social impacts; or Substantively influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders. The report mentioned environmental and social impacts however left out how the company affects the economy.
The report should include coverage of material aspects and their boundaries, sufficient to reflect significant economic, environmental and social impacts, and to enable stakeholders to assess the organization's performance in the reporting period.
The reported information should be sufficiently accurate and detailed for stakeholders to assess the organization's performance.The data provided in the report is accurate and contains supporting details to the context.
The organization should report on a regular schedule so the information is available in time for stakeholders to make informed decision. The 2016 and 2017 reports were published.
The organisations should select, compile and report information consistently. The reported information should be presented in a manner that enables stakeholders to analyze changes in the organisation's performance over time, and that could support analysis relative to other organizations.
The organization should make information available in a manner that is understandable and accessible to stakeholders using the report. The report is design in a way that is easy for the reader to comprehend.
The organization should gather, record, compile, analyse and disclose information and process used in the preparation of a report in a way that they can be subject to examination and that establishes the quality and materiality of the information. Johnson and Johnson actually shows evidence of their improvement, and proves that their products are made under certain ethical standards that benefits the environment and society.
The report should reflect positive and negative aspects of the organization's performance to enable a reasoned assessment of overall performance. Only positive things is stated about the J&J.
SHADOW REPORTS: Sustainability is an important aspect for a multinational company like Johnson and Johnson. Social sustainability is equally as important as environmental sustainability. One example of a flawed sustainability effort is the case of Johnson and Johnson baby powder in correlation to increased risks of ovarian cancer. In an article by Berfield, Feeley, and Cronin Fisk it is made known that thousands of women in the last decade have sued the company due their diagnosis of ovarian cancer. They argue that the product should warn consumers of the risks of using the product. Many female consumers argue that they used the baby powder because it was a custom passed down from generation to generation, and none of these women had ever been informed of the high trends of ovarian cancer. Johnson and Johnson now identifies the dangers as well as the benefits of the products it releases. Millions of dollars of been paid by Johnson and Johnson for compensatory damages (Berfield, Freeley, & Fisk, 2016)
How is shared value created?
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Health for Humanity 2020 Goals
Johnson and Johnson approaches environmental issues by joining the White House American Business Act on Climate Pledge.
Johnson & Johnson approaches human rights by ensuring that there are human rights opportunities in the workplace, clinical research ethics, and improving access to health care.
Corporate Governance
Johnson and Johnson approaches Corporate Governance through their board of directors, which are their highest governance body. The board of directors consist of a diverse group of people that are elected by shareholders annually.
Climate Change 2014
Climate System is a
change in the weather meteorology patterns over long periods of time. This
could be changes weather conditions such as the amount of precipitation in an
area for one year. Also, it could be a variance in climatic conditions over a
significant time span. Over recent years, the warming of the climate system has
had many effects on the earth such as rises in the sea level, ice and snow cap
melting, and warming of the atmosphere. These climate changes have been
observed throughout the years and they are due to natural causes or human
interaction. With advances in modern industry, the greenhouse gas emissions
have been constantly increasing making it one of the largest causes of global
warming. The most abundant greenhouse gas emission in the earth’s atmosphere
are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases remain in the
atmosphere for many years and make the planet warmer.
If greenhouse emission
continues to rise at this rate, the level of carbon dioxide will continue to
increase leading to worsening of global warming. The impact on human
society and ecosystem will be irreversible. It is projected that by 21st century that the surface temperature of the earth will continue
to rise causing an increase in precipitation in wetland regions. This in
turn will change the pH levels of the oceans and increase sea level. As days go
on, the risks are greater for people and the ecosystem, but underdeveloped
regions are more affected by drastic climate change. Africa is one the
countries affected with this phenomenon. Some of the severe consequences
are the health, food productivity, and potable water availability.
Many actions can be
taken in order to prevent further damage to the atmosphere. Mitigation is
necessary to lessen the severity of the damage that has already been caused.
While adaptation to these environmental changes must be taken into
account as well. Companies must find a
way to lower the emission of greenhouse gases. Energy must also be conserved.
The changes must be implemented by domestic and international leaders. If nothing is done to prevent further damage,
the earth will suffer tremendous loss.
Years of Living Dangerously Season 2 Episode 3
The episode we watched on years of living
dangerously talks about African illegal migration and the reasons why many
African citizens continue risking their lives in trying to migrate to Europe.
When we think on people from one country trying to move to another country the
first reason that comes into our mind is that they migrate because they are
looking for job opportunities in another country, so they can support their
families and themselves. However, years of living dangerously showed us the
main reason of Africans migration. According to the episode climate change has
a lot to do with African migration.
The lack of rain in Africa is preventing Africa's
agriculture to growth and that is the reason pushing all the people in Africa
to look for other options migrating being the number one option. According to
John Edgler “a child born in the 1970’s compares to a child born today the
child from now has 60 percentage more chances to be displaced by natural
The episode also showed us the situation of a
Mexican family in California that had to give away their dream of having their
own farm because they can’t growth food due to the lack of rain as well. So,
what this is trying to tell us is that climate change is not just affecting
Africa but is also affecting us here in America and all over the world.
California is losing about four trillion gallons
of water per year and a big amount of this water was used to support
agriculture so, the resources continue to be fewer and fewer. John Kerry U.S.
former secretary of state blame climate change on “bad governors and
If climate change continues in the rise so the
climate migrants would continue to rise as well and is expected to reach from
200 million to 1 billion by the end of this century.
Overall, Years of Living Dangerously shows to the
viewer a reality that many of us are not aware of. Climate change is a reality
and is time for everyone to take actions to get positive change in our planet.
Water is key for life and migrating would get to a point where it would be no
safe place to go and that is when all would be over for our planet and
Climate change is a situation that should concern
everyone in our planet. Unfortunately, most of humanity do not think about the
future of our planet. Humans are the main responsible for climate change by
practicing activities such as: burning fossils fuels and cutting down trees and
forest so we can build new constrictions people to live and open new business.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and the earth would continue to get warmer if we remain
with practices like the ones we mentioned before.
Climate change is the reason African citizens
continue to leave their countries, it is very simple is you don’t have water
you can’t growth food and if you can’t growth food and don’t have water you can’t
live. The effects of climate change are all over now and a good example is the
family with the small farm in California, this humble family had to give up
their dream away because the lack of rain.
It is time for humanity to act while we still
can. The first group of people that should come out with ideas to help improve
this situation are the governors of all countries. All earth citizens should
get educate about the importance of the effects of climate change and ways for
us to prevent climate change so by working all together we can help to have a
better planet to live and a promising future for our love ones.
NASA Climate Kids
The global climate change happening is making the planet warmer
and warmer each year. It affects our climate and our weather. Unfortunately it
is not just something we can turn on and off. It is something we have to adjust
ourselves to. These “adjustments” affect our air, food and water. If one out of
the three became unbreathable, infertile, or dried up, the earth will no longer
be able to support its inhabitants.
Carbon dioxide is an important gas that traps in the heat from the
sun. The reason why too much Carbon dioxide is a bad thing is because it is
trapping more heat on earth. And since it is like a greenhouse gas the heat is
not escaping. The earth is constantly trapping in heat. The earth warms to 59
degrees. If the earth is to get hotter it will cause more ice caps to melt. If
more ice caps melt than sea levels with rise. If sea levels rise than any
species that live close to the coast line will have to find other spaces to
The ocean is a sensitive body of water. Our earth is made up of
70% of water. Which mean we must pay close attention to the effects of global
climate change is doing to it. The ocean absorbs any excess heat from the
atmosphere. If the ocean were to get too warm it can affect the food chain
under the sea. As well as, if the ocean water becomes too acidic from absorbing
most of earth’s carbon dioxide, animals that live in the ocean will become more
sensitive to their environment and could die. With the ice caps melting and
dining into other parts of the ocean can cause nearby countries to get colder
in the winter time. Even the salt in the water can become heavier and that can
affect the Ocean Conveyor Belt which carries warmer, less salty water from the
equator to the poles, and colder, saltier water from the poles back toward the
equator. Colder water and very salty water are heavier than warmer water and
less salty water (What is happening in the ocean? 2017).
There is still hope to save the earth. By doing small things like
planting a garden and choosing energy efficient cars the earth could still have
a chance to regulate itself back the way it is supposed to be. There is still
so much people know know or understand about the earth but it is important to
ask questions and try to.
From reading from NASA Climate Kids I learned that global climate
change is not hard to understand or believe, it is real. Also the site meant
for children so if children are able to comprehend the information given than
our political leaders should be able to understand that global climate change
or “global warming” is a serious thing. Actions need to be taken place in order
for this land to be inhabitable. Because the current generation might not care
but generations to come could be living in harsh elements.
Richer And Poorer
Gini an italian statistician devised the Gini Index in 1912. Gini was only
twenty- eight years old when he invented a way that measures economic
inequality. The Gini Index explains “If all the income in the world were earned
by one person and everyone else earned nothing, the world would have a Gini
index of one. If everyone in the world earned exactly the same income, the
world would have a Gini index of zero” (Richer and Poorer, 2015). Around the
world the United States has the greatest income equality than any other
country. From 1975 to 1985 according to the Gini Index, the United States
households rose from .397 to .419. These calculations came from the Census
Bureau. Making a cross country comparison is difficult, however in 1983 the
Luxembourg Income study helped make data collecting a little bit easier by
collecting data from more than forty countries on six continents. Studies have
shown that the United States has continued to grow when in it comes to economic
Task Force on inequality and American democracy was created by the American
Political Science Association. The task force was formed because the more
economic inequality grew it was threatening the fundamental American political
instructions. “Democrats and Republicans are fighting over who’s to blame for
growing economic inequality is that , aside from a certain amount of
squabbling, it’s no longer possible to deny that it exist (Richer and Poorer,
2015)”. Living in a society where technology is essential and the
internet is right at an individual’s footsteps it becomes easier for
individuals to find information regarding the United States. Individuals can now clearly see through a
search engine the economic inequality going on in the U.S.
scholars want to figure out why the United States keeps growing in economic
inequality. Two scholars in particular Alfred Stepan and Juan J. Linz tried to
figure out why the growth of economic inequality has been going on for so long.
The two scholars discovered that there were twenty-three countries with
advanced economies as well as a counted number of veto players. They also
discovered that the Gini score as well as being under represented in the upper
body of legislature causes a greater gap between the rich and poor is greater
and congress needs to do more to help bridge this gap as well as stop the
growth of income inequality.
Our group will be summarizing Chapter 4’s main focus which
was the Triple Bottom Line. The Triple Bottom Line is a practice multiple
companies use for a positive impact in their environment and profits. Chapter 5
talks about PRME principles and how SDG’s enforce these principles into
businesses. Both Chapter 4 & 5 correlate with the article our group read.
The article was “Creating Shared Value” by Porter & Kramer.
4 Summary
In this chapter, we were able to understand the three most
important elements of sustainability and the importance of these elements to
work well to each other to make a positive impact in companies that are willing
to invest in a healthier future for our planet.
The main point in this chapter is the Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
which consist of people, planet, and profit. The traditional way of a business
to measure their performance is by the amount of profit the business can
achieve at the end of a period, this is a practice that is being around for
years, but many companies are changing the way they measure their
organizations. This is when (TBL) comes in. An innovator organization nowadays
measure their companies by the positive impact they have made in the society,
as well as in the environment and finally in their profit.
So, the idea is that organizations pay more attention to what they
do for the people, an example could be the treatment a company provides for
their employees. It’s important that a company provides employment
opportunities to the local community, good wages, health care, plain water, and
a fair education.
Protecting the planet should be the most important priority all
companies should have in plan. Therefore, organizations should be aware and
responsible for power usage, avoiding
polluting the environment. A good example of this pillar is the
way Walmart supports the environment. According to Kathleen Mclaughlin (chief
sustainability officer Walmart) “Walmart is saving about one billion dollars a
year, on good energy efficiency projects.” This also shows that being
sustainable can increase an organization’s profit by reducing cost.
It is important that a business can survive and make some profit,
so they can continue to invest in sustainability, so going back to the Walmart
example we can better understand how being a sustainable company can help
increase the organization’s profit by the reducing cost. So, that first big
investment in sustainability would bring huge cost savings in the future and
will also create an excellent image influencing customer’s behavior in
preferring them instead of the competition because they are doing something
positive for the planet.
Chapter four highlights the increase of sustainability strategies
since the 2000s and the positive impact that has made in corporate success. The
Triple Bottom Line believes that businesses should give equal value to the
people, planet and economic rather than just looking at the profit. One group
member has experienced an environmental practice of the triple bottom line. The
company they work for work is Amazon, the Fresh department. That department
deals with various foods. The packaging for the products are recycled to save a
profit on new packaging. Once, customers are done emptying out the green totes
it is free delivery to return the tote.
In my opinion recycling totes is a good environmental thing to do
however, some of the totes returned are not returned in good condition.
Depending, on how far the totes traveled or if things were left in the tote, it
is a waste to even return the tote. This makes Amazon lose money and is not
very environmentally friendly due to the condition of the tote and having to
throw the tote away regardless.
The chapter also talks about the KPMG’s Survey of Corporate
Responsibility Report. The report monitored all developments of corporate
responsibility and sustainably. Existing companies and new ones continue to
read this report, so they can learn how they can help become their companies a
sustainable one.
Share value is the summary of the importance of the three pillars
and the connection between each other. The best idea would be that one day we
get to a point were all organizations provide a share value. Share value can
only be good for the future of our people, our planet and the financial
stability of a company.
5 Summary
Chapter 5 states that in order for people to
have the ideal world we must take action in making the world efficient.
Business and business leaders have already taken the step to positively shaping
the world and mobilizing resources to address some of the challenges. Business
students probably have to most potential to change the world due to their drive
to influence others to make the positive change as well.
The UN Global Compact is a
cross-sectoral initiative bringing together businesses, UN agencies, civil
society and labor organizations, with the aim of working together to foster
more sustainable and responsible business practices (Molthan-Hill, P. (2014)).
The UN Global Compact is the largest sustainability initiative that creates a
balance to universal principles of human rights, labour rights, environment,
and anti-corruption. There are ten principles and each principle has an aim to
make businesses beneficial and an implication that affects the business aspect
of things. The principles of PRME were developed to make sure businesses are
sustainable and responsible. The SDGs were introduced to make sure that these
practices were endorsed.
The Principles for
Responsible Management Education PRME.
The Schools of business and management are
being focusing in the education and mindsets of the futures leaders in this
field. The idea of PRME is to develop powerful professionals with ethical
corporate sustainability. During the UN Global Compact, the principles of PRME
has been working on the transformation and acceptation of the business and
management schools around the world. UN Global Compact is promoting values into
the Business education such as:
• Respect and protection human
• Protection of labor rights
• Protection of the environment and
acceptation of technological advances.
• Engagement for no corruption.
The principles of PRME also helps to raise
awareness about natural resources and human rights around the world. There are
six principles of PRME. One is the purpose where the students will be the
future generators of sustainable value for business and management. They are
educating to remake the world with better economic efforts. Regarding the
values of principle, PRME introduces education as a global social
responsibility, a frame in international initiatives in the UN Global Compact.
The pedagogic framework schools should create educational frameworks and
environments that enable an effective learning experiences for future leaderships.
Another important principle is research, where the students are pursuing to
understand the importance of the role, dynamics and impact on a corporation in
the creation of global sustainability. Collaboration is another principle where
the schools adopt business corporations to extend their knowledge of their
talents in order to cooperate as team with the social and environmental
responsibilities. Finally, dialogue, the schools introduce debate and dialogues
between the students, professors, business, government, consumers, media and
civil society in order to discuss global social responsibility and
sustainability management. Successively, improving learning and progress are
the three rules in the principles of PRME. PRME has been working in groups to develop
resources to increase the awareness related to the education business. The
active PRME working groups research about important topics that concern the
collegiate education on business. The sustainable development goals (SDGs) for
these working groups regard poverty where the objective is to combat this issue
introducing high level of education all around the world. Another is
corruption, it is one the greatest issues in the world. In this group the
students learn about business management ethics and transparency. The goal of
the corruption group is also to combat this crime that is affecting countries
worldwide especially the poorer countries. Human rights groups aim to educate
the business management people to respect human rights in turn combating abuse.
Another is business for peace, the objective of this group is to develop values
which bring peace into the management education. The climate change group which
has three main objectives including policy strategies that provide business
students and universities a guide on how change in climate can be introduced
into the management education. Teaching and training objective the students are
educated to work towards obtaining sustainable solutions and cooperation is the
third objective that focuses on the dialogue between business schools and other
organizations in order to work together on solutions regarding climate change.
The sustainable mindset working group concentrates on social
issues but focuses on the individual. It focuses in developing healthy thought
and positive attitude directed to the world. The Gender Equality group creates
awareness and promotes integration of gender issues into business schools to
educate the students in order to combat it. The Sharing Information Program
(SIP), the goal of this group is to create a learning culture in the students
increasing and improving the quality for a better development. The last active
group is the Management Education for the World Joint Project which has merged
with the GRLI (Global Responsibility Leadership Initiative) and World Business
School Council to create an agenda for the future management education with
challenges and more opportunities.
In my opinion, providing the students’
knowledge and understanding of the meaning of social responsibility will form
people aware and committed to the business and industry. This will form a
positive impact, and it will contribute to a better business world. From
my point of view, although the PRME groups face challenges, if they work hand
in hand with business and management schools and institutions interested in the
creation of a better world, the level of future working professionals who will
lead our world will be much better. If corruption is combated and the people
are more tolerant and help to preserve our natural resources all these efforts
will be a gift for new generations.
The article "Creating Shared Value" by Porter and
Not too long ago, the word “Business” started to
change its meaning due to different social, environmental, and economic
problems. Nowadays business is changing the way our society is dealing with
everyday problems and it is because business is caught in a vicious circle
caused by lower levels of trust within organizations. This is a process that
unfortunately affects people outside the organization as well. According to the
article, the problem seems to be the different activities performed by
businesses. Companies are focusing more on details that are not really
contributing towards the development of the company, and therefore customers
are being left out and the company do not really satisfy customer’s needs. The
article also states that most of the times businesses ignore different
influences that could determine their longer-term success and that is the
reason why a lot of them fail in the business environment.
According to the article, the principle of shared value seems to
be the solution. The goal is to bring business and society back together by
creating economic value. The purpose of this is to not only take business to an
upper level but also to help society and be able to build a stronger
relationship. On the other hand, innovation is also very important because it
will create jobs, build wealth, and improve efficiency. Another important topic
is the how shared value is created. It mentions that there are three different
ways to do it and if we create societal value we can create economic value as well.
This article emphasizes the importance of connecting the success of a business
with the societal improvement.
Porter and Kramer (2011) make a very strong case
for saving capitalism from itself. The economic and social benefits of
capitalism are being questioned after the financial meltdown of 2008. In order
to recover trust, Business needs to create value for both shareholders and
society. Three key ways in which they can do this include reconceive products
and services, redefine productivity in the value chain and enable local cluster
1: Starbucks
2: SDGs8
As a business student in the age of climate change and large
social problems, it is necessary to start rethinking the purpose of a business
and capitalism as a whole. Moving to a stakeholder approach rather than just a
shareholder value approach is one step. Rather than just one bottom line, we
need to think of a triple bottom line of economic, social and environmental
responsibility. True sustainability for the business and for society will
depend on creating shared value for both. In the next unit you will learn about
how companies use sustainability reporting to document their commitment to the
triple bottom line. In this class you will be asked to pick a company that
operates sustainably and conduct case study research on the company. You will
be studying the company to see why and how it moved towards sustainability and
how it achieves shared value.
Chapter 6 Review
In 1970 companies started publishing social reports. Social
Reports inform stakeholders about the companies activities, products, and services.
“This new type of report also included new social accounting techniques such as
the value-added statement, which presents the added value generated by an organization
and how it is appropriated to the contributors of the value; hence a way to
show how the value was created and attributed to a larger number of
stakeholders(Student’s Guide to Sustainable Management, Molthan-Hill)”.
Even though social reporting was increasing in the beginning of the 1970’s,
towards the end of the 1970 social reports started to decline. Reasons for the
decline ranged from inadequate target market groups, mismatch between the
information of interest of most stakeholder and social reports thy were often
scientifically designed and remote from the reality of most individuals lives.
In the late 1980s environmental reports were published to explain to
stakeholders how the organizational activities impacted the natural environment
and how the impacts were managed. Environmental reporting replaced a huge
portion of early social reporting activities of companies.
In the mid 1990s sustainability reports started gaining more
attention. The sustainability reports reflected on companies claim to depict an
overall picture of their ecological, social, and economical sustainability activities
and performance to inform stakeholders. Over the years sustainability reports
have evolved to support companies who are developing reports as well as
communicating externally their performances. The global reporting initiative
GRI provided the sustainability reporting framework that is accepted generally.
Integrated Reporting is another recent initiative that has enhanced reporting
for companies. This encompasses a multi-stakeholder approach that brings in the
views of investors, civil society organizations, accountants, regulators,
businesses and standard-makes. Publishing sustainability reports online is the
world’s largest database. Online sustainability reporting extends much further
than printed reports includes various forms of interaction.
Personal Comment
In my opinion Online Sustainability Reports will be taking over
and there will be no more printed reports. I believe this because of how the
world is continuously trying to go paperless. It would be environmentally more
friendly to stop printing reports especially due to how technology has evolved.
Companies would be more environmentally friendly by having the reports online
to be more accessible to the stakeholders. There is also an open range of
communication with stakeholders due to how open the dialogue is with online
reports. Online reports are better than printed reports due to technology
evolving and more companies are using the internet instead of the paper route.
The paper route is in the past and online is the new way to go for stakeholders
to view the sustainability reports.
Chapter 7 Review
Traditional economic and financial approaches promoted profit
orientation and the maximization of shareholder wealth as the key goals of the
firm (Friedman 1970). Therefore, in this perspective, the role of managers
should primarily be to look after the interests of shareholders (Fama 1980).
Stakeholder theory moved attention from the mere economic and
financial goals of shareholders to the more complex interests of a variety of
social stakeholders (Freeman 1984). More recently, the shared values framework
invited firms to rebalance their economic and financial interests in order to
create wider social and environmental impacts with their stakeholders (Porter
and Kramer 2011).
Prahalad and Hart (2002) proposed that an enterprise-based
approach to poverty could contribute to the improvement of the lives of
millions preserving the traditional economic and financial goals of the firm.
This perspective advocates that by specifically targeting poor customers (the
so-called ‘base of the pyramid’, or ‘BoP’) with dedicated products and
services, firms have the opportunity to achieve important financial results
while addressing poverty reduction.
This approach has enormous potential to end poverty in all its
forms everywhere (UN Sustainable Development Goal 1). However, without
responsible management, this approach presents the risk of re-creating
imperialistic dynamics on the poor of the world. Global managers therefore
require responsible frameworks to design sustainable business practices with
the BoP. On completion of this chapter, students should be able to Understand
the values in designing sustainable business with the BoP, Evaluate the wider
social and environmental impacts of enterprise-based approaches to poverty
eradication, Redesign the strategic approach to the economic, relational and
innovative aspects of the business
Ending poverty as a
sustainable goal. Source: Adapted and updated from Prahalad and Hart (2002).
Own calculations on data from World Bank (2017a).
Figure 1: The world income pyramid (Molthan-Hill 198)
PRME Working Group on Poverty, a Challenge For Management
Education. PRME established this Working Group following the First Global Forum
for Management Education. Its vision is to integrate poverty-related
discussions into all levels of management education worldwide. The Working
Group aims to reshape the social environment in which business management
operates, by ensuring that dialogue with all stakeholders informs both
managerial and educational solutions. The CEEMAN online platform has a
collection of best practices and inspirational solutions for integrating
discussions on poverty in the curriculum (CEEMAN 2012). (Molthan-Hill 200)
Rethinking sustainable
business at the BoP. Rethinking business models at the BoP
Figure 2: Business models at the
BoP (Molthan-Hill 203)
Table 1: A summary of the
available strategies for business model design at the BoP
Focus on
Value network
Supply chains redesign
Micro Enterprising
Community-based purchasing
Rethinking stakeholder relations
Source: Werhane (2011). Figure 3: A decentralized
stakeholder network (Molthan-Hill 212)
Personal Comment
In accounting, the
triple bottom line framework proposed that firms should keep separate accounts
to record all of their financial, social and environmental costs (Elkington
1997). In doing so, organizations acknowledge that their activities (and
implicitly their goals) are not only economic, but also social and
environmental (Slaper and Hall 2011). Drawing from marketing and public
relations, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature invited firms
to consider philanthropy as a key aspect of every business (Carroll 1991).
Despite much attention in the late 1990s, the CSR movement failed to recognize
social activities as more than just ancillary to the main traditional goals of
the firm. The shared values approach represented a turning point in organization
studies (Porter and Kramer 2011). This explicitly argued that the improvement
of society is part of a firm’s nature, suggesting that social and environmental
goals should be an integral part of its strategic mission. Firms should orient
their management practices outwardly to identify opportunities that create
measurable business and social value. They should reconceive products and
markets and redefine their value chains to integrate solutions with social
impact. Here, collaboration with social actors becomes critical in order to
leverage the power of market-based competition in addressing social problems.
Adopting a
multidisciplinary approach, stakeholder theory offered a critical contribution
to the debate about the goals of the firm (Freeman 1984). As discussed in
stakeholder theory proposes an alternative to business strategies that serve
only the immediate financial interests of owners (Edwards and Sulkovski 2014).
This framework advocates that firms should satisfy not only the interests of shareholders,
but also those of other social groups (Jones 1995). Stakeholder theory shifted
the attention from economic and financial goals to wider interests in the
attainments of the firm, implicitly introducing the idea that the firm has a
moral responsibility in pursuing the well-being of interlocutors in business
and society as one of its key goals (Freeman et al. 2010).
The UN Global Compact
initiative defines social sustainability as one of the cardinal points of
corporate sustainability. Firms must identify and manage business impacts on
‘employees, workers in the value chain, customers and local communities’
(United Nations 2017a). This opens up the boundaries of an organization’s goals
to include sustainable social goals and to redesign the moral mission of firms.
Building sustainable businesses ensures that multinational enterprises (MNEs)
can still do well by doing good and balance commercially viable strategies with
a responsibility to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This chapter
focuses on how firms can make SDG 1 (end poverty in all its forms everywhere)
one of their main corporate goals. (Molthan-Hill 195-196)
According to this case, we can see how a business that used to be
profitable twenty years ago, nowadays is no longer a way out of poverty. The
strategy for business model design used in Bangladesh was really simple. A
Village Phone Program was run by GrameenPhone, which consisted in lending money
to village women, so women can buy a cell phone and airtime from GrameenPhone,
and then villagers would pay these ladies for using their phone a couple
minutes to talk to family and friends all around the world. This adaptation
strategy was certainly very beneficial for both sides because it activates
communities and networks through supply chain redesign and especially it was
very beneficial for phone ladies because as stated in the article, they were
making $800 profit per month. As we can see, this is the expected result that
we been talking about in class. In this case GrameenPhone considered that
Bangladesh needed some help in order to improve their living standards, and
therefore they noticed that by providing specific products and services, it
would help people to make some profit and start a type cycle where they buy a
cell phone and then they invest their money on land, or other assets. By doing
this, phone ladies are generating more job opportunities and helping others to
start a business as well.
Even though this business could be a long-term investment, I do
believe that the economy of the whole country will increase in terms of better
living conditions. By using the strategy of Community-based purchasing, the
population as a whole is helping each other to create profit and just to
emphasize it, this strategy is about firms creating formal groups that will try
to engage others by providing a service or a product. The key is to study the
environment and its needs. Then, come up with a product or service that
everyone will use, in this case cell phones, but the most important thing is to
make that product affordable so investors, in this case, the phone ladies,
would be able to take out a loan and easily pay it back. Unfortunately nowadays
this business is not as good as before because now there are a lot more phone ladies
and the profit earned each month went down to $22.
One Laptop Per Child
In this case Decoupling, Scale Down, and Subsidisation are the
different strategies used in order to approach BoP markets. The main goal to
accomplish in this case, is to make it affordable so families can give their
children access to a computer without having to deal with the lack of energy. I
believe that by using decoupling, more and more people would like to engage in
this new initiative and results will be reflected in the level of education
reached. For example; in rural areas of Dominican Republic, Cuba and Puerto
Rico, energy goes off at least two times a day and therefore that contributes
to the lack of education in those areas. Now the question is, how is this initiative
going to be sustainable?
By using Scale Down, each unit will maintain a low cost and
through Subsidisation third parties will be involved. The idea of coordinating
with donors and governments so each can pay a portion of the laptop’s price is
definitely a way of helping those in need because by using this strategy the
initiative will accomplish the goal which was to make it affordable to families
pay less than half of the price. By implementing these strategies, the economic
and social approach of a business will be able to not only create a change in
the market but also establish a new method of innovation.
GreenBiz Virtual
Joel Makower, chairman and
executive editor of Greenbiz Group introduced William McDonough, Chief
Executive of McDonough Innovation. McDonough started off with the phrase “the
creation of perception of scarcity where nothing exist.” He met with the head
of an investing bank and asked him what is the secret of wall street. The
investment banker said the creation of the perception of scarcity where nothing
exist. This mean that wall street exist to get others moving to think we are
missing out.
Our world has pushed its limit with using
fossil reserves and there is not much left. Instead of burning more fuel we
must maintain what is left. We need to start thinking of our goods as services
so we can reuse them and expand. In order to do must it takes more than one way
of thinking. We first need to think of the human health. We are the dominate
beings on earth and without we cannot make a difference. Second we think of
circular economy. This comes second because circular economy is the action
part. There are five goods that makes a business sustainable and make it an
abundance of sharing. Good material; safe, healthy biological and technical
nutrients. Good economy; circular, sharing and shared. Good energy; clean and
renewable. Good water; clean and available. Good lives; safe, creative and
dignified. If you do this every day whether you’re a business or an innovator
you achieve the 17 global sustainable goals.
Joel Makower did a session
with William McDonough and Katrin Ley, managing director of Fashion for Good.
Fashion for Good is a platform for innovation, working to scale and helping
innovators that have solutions for problems we have in the supply chain. Their
focus is the fashion industry and sharing the details and information of
innovation. They share details down to the molecule. They want fashion that's
good along the fives goods. The hope to achieve every supply chain goes by the
five goods.
They have made progress by have six corporate
partner but they are still trying to make impact from scale. They are aware
that making fashion sustainable will be tough, especially when the average
American is use to buying from their usual providers. They are figuring out how
to manage. They will have to work with the fashion industry to fashion the
clothing then they will have to refashion the garments. Somes solutions are
making sure the fibers safe, no dying chemicals , 3D printing, and increase the
usage of garments. They want to bring more awareness to the consumes and hope
to make people more concerned with this type of issue.
mission is to change the world for the better. McDonough simplified sustainable
down to the point that a child can understand. Ley understands that it takes
more than just recycling, we must constantly do detailed research to be
sustainable down to the molecule. I especially like the five goods. With the
five goods every person have live in a sustainable environment. As well as,
each good is simplified but on point. For example, McDonough mentioned a mill
in India. The water leaving the factory is evaporated water that you can drink.
It is solar powered. The people are treated with dignity and grace. The
materials have been assessed to the molecule. And there is price
satisfaction. It is possible. Hopefully other business can realize being
sustainable is the future.
Video Prince of Wales
In the prince of Wales video, we get a clear picture of the
importance of Integrate reporting from Charles
Philip Arthur George point of view. Prince
Charles emphases on the reasons why organizations should use integrated
reporting. According to the prince, integrated reporting benefits organizations
and everything that forms the organization such as its employees, the community
where the organization operates and the environment where the company operates.
(IR) also, promise a positive future for organizations, a perfect example is
Walmart and their big investment in solar energy.
As of today, most organizations only comply
with integrate reporting, but according to Prince Charles, the whole idea of
integrated reporting is to get to a point where all organizations can
communicate to each other the impact they are making on natural capital. So,
Prince Charles is hoping for (IR) to become a core value for all organizations
The U.K. gov. wants to be an example to the
world when it comes to (IR) and they just announced a requirement for companies
to prepare a strategy report, this report should help companies to create ways
to achieve integrated reporting.
Therefore, Prince Charles has a clear picture
of what integrated reporting is about and the reasons why all organizations
should start practicing integrate reporting to keep an efficient economic and a
promising future for new generations.
The prince of Wales video helped us realize the
lack of practicing (IR) in organizations. Videos like this one are important
for business students like us because it teaches the students that you can
build a successful organization while helping the environment and the society
that forms your company. It is important to invest in your employees and your
customers; this type of investments would only create value for your
Susanne Stormer Video
In the Novo Nordisk video, we got the
foundation of (IR) for this successful company. Susanne Stormer, Sustainability
vice-president for Novo Nordisk explains how the company began their first environmental
report in 1994 and then added a second report called the social report in 1998.
Moreover, in 2003 the two previews reports were combined creating a
sustainability report that would show how the company was doing business in a
financially environmental and socially responsible way.
Mrs. Stormer also mentioned who was involved in
the development of the sustainability report. The management team developed the
whole idea of showing everyone how Novo Nordisk was making a positive impact on
natural capital and they presented this idea to the board of directors who
supported and approved the idea.
One of the barriers Novo Nordisk encountered
was to how to present the data since they had such a long history in
environmental and social performance and Novo Nordisk being new in this
reporting field. So, Novo Nordisk had to pay the price for the lack of
experience in the sustainability reporting field. However, nowadays with more
than a decade practicing (IR), they are Pioneers in the field and they now give
advice to companies on how to start practicing (IR) in their organizations.
This video shows how having diversity of ideas
help to create value for the organization. So, everyone’s ideas and opinions
matter when it comes to integrated reporting, this includes the employees of
the organization, the management team, the board of directors, finally the
customer’s opinions and a good way to obtain those opinions is throughout
Novo Nordisk is a company that is a good
example for organizations that do not have an (IR) yet. The business world has
many organizations that are willing work for the environment and the society
but don’t know how to take that first step. It is motivating for those
companies that do not have an (IR) report yet when they see how successful
companies like Novo Nordisk share their experience in how they are making a
positive impact environmentally, socially, and financially, so they can take
that first step to get involve and learn to then take the final decision to
start their own (IR).
Seminar 1: Sustainability reporting principles.
goals for Unilever Sustainable Living Plan in 2016 were kept in terms of
improving health and wellbeing, improving livelihood, reducing the
environmental footprint and increasing positive social impact. Organizations
with the Unilever sustainable living plan operate in their business growth in a
socially responsible way. The purpose of this plan is to create a long-term
value for stakeholders.
The principle
stakeholder inclusiveness.
Organizations should frequently include and inform stakeholders
about current company relations. For Unilever, stakeholders are very important
to help drive the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan. They work with the
government, customers, suppliers, investors, and civil society organizations to
create an environmental that is support, give sustainability solutions and
different initiatives and channels of communication. The goal is improving the
lives of the world’s citizens and show that there is another way to do business
with many shareholders therefore focusing on shareholders too. With this plan,
the shareholders have been benefited because they have had a return of 200% for
what they have input. As proof, the 18 brands who are involved in this plan are
doing good business. They grew 50% faster and had a 60% of total growth.
Unilever is being dedicated to improving the quality of life with the provision
of hygiene, sanitation, access to clean water, nutrition, and self-esteem. The role
of the stakeholders is based in social responsibility.
Unilever report from
2016, kept the stakeholder’s engagement because they see that the progress of
this plan is to continue work for a better world. Without the stakeholders, the
aims for sustainability cannot be achieved. The outcomes and process are
clearly explained by keeping them informed and updated about sustainability
initiatives and channels of communication. The report also talks about the
consumers expectations and they are the priority because they are who will
consume the product. These stakeholders will focus in quality, price and
environmental impact. It is very important because the Unilever profit
depends on the sales of these products. For Example, if the consumer is happy with
the product and meets the expectations, he/she will buy more the same product
from the same brand. The consumer may
also recommend the product to family and friends; at the same time, the company
will increase the revenue.
Sustainability context.
The 2016 Unilever report explains very clearly the context of the
commitment to the shareholders. The main idea in this path is work as team
doing the right things and each day improving. Working together will help
to build a value in the short-term and also to achieve and improve their
business goals. The plans for 2016 USLP were to improve public health and
well-being, and ultimately, by the end of the year, they had helped 538 million
people. In the energy sector, they cut CO2 emission by 43%, water abstraction by
37%, and in waste disposed by 96%. The goal is continue growing, and by
2020 help more than a billion people to improve their health and well-being to
make better livelihoods. The report also shows that continuing hard work in
sustainability helps the business grow.
They also inform that in some sectors they have to work harder because
they have to educate the consumers about how using their products will reduce
the overall environmental impact. In 2010 the water impact had reduction by 7%
and consumers waste related with their products had reduction in 28%.
Unilever is operating in
different locations, regions, and national levels. The main goal is continuing
to develop a better performance in the broader context of sustainability. This
goal could require change in policies to make sure that they are driving
towards the global impact. For example, they move the certificates for palm oil
to physical certified sources. Use of raw unsustainable materials has
improved from 60% to 51% from 2015 to 2016.
The company has become more efficient in using sustainable materials for
their products. This is important in the
case of the palm oil industry because the rainforest is heavily impacted. Sustainable palm oil provides a better use of
the rainforest.
Seminar 2:
Comparing external views
with a company’s self-presentation on sustainability.
In my personal opinion, Unilever is an organization that helps the
preservation of the environment by enforcing sustainability. As the
company has grown, sustainability efforts have also been gradually
improving. Stakeholders must be taken
into account regarding the improvements in environmentally friendly efforts.
In the case of Palm Oil, they have an engagement with suppliers which is
very important because they transform the Palm Oil industry to eliminate
deforestation. The have steered away
from “GreenPalm certificate” which were not environmentally sustainable.
The palm oil industry is cause major deforestation especially in the
Indonesian rainforest. Due to this deforestation, many species like the
orangutan are on the verge of extinction.
Therefore, Unilever has since made efforts in using sustainable raw
materials from 60% to 51%. Greater efforts must be made in the future to
continue to improve deforestation efforts.
They are making efforts with human rights and land rights.
big controversy with Unilever and its stakeholders is the living conditions of
the workers in tea estates in India. The conditions of that these people
live and work under are appalling, dangerous and degrading. People in these areas do not have access to
plumbing and proper hygiene. Shareholders have made Unilever find ways to
improve the conditions of these living environments. In 2016, on World Toilet Day, Unilever
provided help to a large slum in Mumbai which has severe difficulties regarding
proper hygiene infrastructure. Proper toilets were implemented, drinking
water was made more accessible, and cleaning facilities have been made more
affordable. This is a huge effort
considering that the livelihood of individuals is greatly affected by the
living conditions that people have been put in. Efforts have also been
made in terms of educating the communities regarding hygiene etiquette. They are attempting to have helped 1 billion
people by 2020.
Stakeholders must also make efforts in having fair work places for their
employees. Unilever companies have been noted to have unfair work
environments in terms of pay and unsafe work environments. Unilever is
making efforts to expand human rights and fairness into all of their factories
and companies by 2020. Work wages and
work environments are in the works of being improved.
the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan for 2016, Unilever and stakeholders
address these issues very lightly. This plan provides a very broad view
of the situation. It does not bring to
light the bad aspects and controversies that Unilever has faced in the recent
years. Personally, I believe that in order to be more efficient and
really convincing the public that they are attempting to improve their
sustainability standards they must also elaborate on the wrongfulness that has
been committed.
Why sustainability is now the key driver of
According to this
article, nowadays more and more companies are trying their best to not cause
any damage to the environment and to the people. In fact, companies are now
incorporating new methods of doing business. They also are improving the
production process in terms of reducing the amount of contamination and the
elimination of elements that will affect people and the development of the
business. As a result, companies will not only experience financial benefits,
but they will also help people outside the organization which is a way to be
ahead of the competition and gain more customers. The article states that the
more environment-friendly they become, the more the effort will erode their
competitiveness. However, in order to deliver green products, new equipment is
required and unfortunately customers will not really pay more for it. In other
words, customers do not give much importance to the stability of the
environment, even though they do want it to be free from any disaster.
Becoming sustainable is
seem as a corporate social responsibility, but unfortunately companies will not
receive much benefits from it and therefore this leads to argue with legal
authorities and customers. Even though there are different perspectives
regarding this topic, research shows that “sustainability is a mother lode of
organizational and technological innovations that yield both bottom-line and
top-line return.” By taking care of the environment, companies are able to meet
the goals of corporate innovation, and it mentions that this is a method that
soon companies will need to adapt in order to be a strong competitor in the
market. It is clear that innovation nowadays is what determines the stability
of a company and therefore companies are seeking for ideas that will help them
survive in the market. By innovating the different activities that a company
must perform in order to get the product or service ready, companies will be
emerging at the same pace as technology and other environmental factors are.
Five different stages a
company must go through in order to become sustainable. The first one is:
Viewing compliance as opportunity, which basically is the process of studying
the environment where the business will be operating and analyzing the
different laws and regulations so the company will not experience any legal
issue due to the lack of knowledge. It also involves the different elements
used in production and analyzing positive and negative outcomes before the
product or service is delivered to the customers. The next one is making value
chains sustainable, which main purpose is to create eco-friendly raw materials
and reduce nonrenewable resources. At this point companies learn to work under
certain laws and regulations and therefore they start to develop new methods of
production. The third stage is about designing sustainable products and
services, and basically the reason is because some companies are operating in
very demanding environments where consumers start to prefer new products and
giving preference to companies with a continuous innovation process. The fourth
stage is developing new business models, meaning finding ways on how companies
can provide a better service or product and also how a company can develop a
type of cycle where everything can be use in order to generate more profit. The
last stage is about creating next-practice platforms, which basically talks
about how a company can keep innovating by asking themselves questions and
making it possible to create. Also it mentions the importance of using
different resources that will reduce the possibilities affecting humans and the
Second article: Innovating for a sustainable strategy
This article has some
type of relationship with the previous article because it connects the
different scenarios and tries to explain why sustainability is becoming key for
the development of a company. The importance of satisfying customers’ needs is
as important as satisfying employees, investors, suppliers, governments and
society’s needs but of course is not as easy as it looks. By increasing
shareholder value and improving the firm’s performance, the company will only
look “good” and will not necessarily be financially rewarded. It also mentions
that companies that do not take into consideration factors regarding
environmental, social and governance issues, may experience serious
consequences. It gives an example of how Foxconn, Apple’s manufacturer, used to
operate in China and how employees used to work under very deplorable
conditions and in an environment that was not exactly prepared for those
purposes of production. In this case, the company was only working towards
their own benefit and they were only focused on making more profit. The reason
is because is if they start adapting a new method in order to not cause any
damage to people and to the environment, the company will be expected to pay
for any additional equipment needed to reduce pollution or any other
contamination. Also they will be expected to pay for the improvement of working
conditions. After analyzing the different outcomes, companies rather keep
working under the same environment instead of paying for things that will
improve their performance. Unfortunately for them this is no longer a smart way
to operate in the market, now those companies that become sustainable are the
ones succeeding and surviving in the market.
In order to create a
sustainability strategy, four different initiatives must be developed. The
first one is: Identify material ESG issues. By identifying different issues
such as emissions, water use, energy use and abusive labor practices, the
company is forced to implement a new strategy and establish new ways of doing
businesses, always keeping in mind that they must develop something better than
the competitors. The next initiative is to quantify the relationship between
financial and ESG performance, meaning developing a strategy that will work
towards the benefit of the company and towards the benefit of the employees and
people outside the organization. The third initiative is to innovate products,
processes, and business models because like I mentioned before these are
factors that will determine how good or how bad employees customers, investors
and suppliers look at the company. And the last initiative is to communicate
the company’s innovations to shareholders and always keep track of whatever
decisions are being made.
Sustainability Strategy
Out of the four types of competitive environmental strategies
Johnson and Johnson sustainability strategy is mainly eco-efficiency. The
beyond compliance leadership strategy focuses on differentiating themselves to
provide good and services to satisfy consumers needs through a process that
reduces global impacts. Johnson and Johnson thrives to make products and
services that meet the high quality needs of consumers. In addition, the
company focuses on efforts to improve
environmental, social, governance and economic influence and impact.
This includes advancing global public health, reducing carbon emissions, protecting
the environment and conserving natural resources.
Johnson & Johnson critical of citizen and sustainability to
create a new version of health. They want to seek new ways to make everyone and
everywhere healthier. Their 2020 goals focus on people, places and practices.
There are many parts to their goals and the beyond compliance leadership
strategy includes increasing recyclability of consumer product packaging to
more than 90%. Also to conduct a comprehensive water risk assessment at 100% of
manufacturing in research and development locations and implement water risk
mitigation plans at the high-risk sites. Another goal is to collaborate with
governments, nonprofits and the private sector to foster new models of health
that improve economic well-being and healthcare in emerging markets, including
Brazil, China and India. In addition, they hope to empower their employees to
live out healthy lifestyles.
Johnson and Johnson is creating high-quality products that have
value as well as making environmental influence. Their process is deafferenting
themselves from competitors as an overall healthy company. These strategies are
making important measures to maintaining a sustainable company.
Five stages of sustainability
Johnson & Johnson is
an American multinational medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged
goods manufacturing company founded in 1886. Its common stock is a component of
the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the company is listed among the Fortune
500. The company Johnson & Johnson identify five stages in the organizational
path to sustainability, each producing innovations. In Stage 1, companies “view
compliance as an opportunity” and comply with the most stringent regulations
across all regions. For example Johnson & Johnson is determined to have the
healthiest employees in the world. J&J is marching toward a lofty goal to
help their employees be at their personal best when it comes to their health
and well-being by 2020. “We know that we have one of the healthiest
workforces,” Peter Fasolo Ph.D., Executive Vice President and Chief Human
Resources Officer says. Here’s how: First, he says, the company's health stats—like
obesity rates and triglyceride levels consistently beat the national averages
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Case in point: In 2016,
30% of people nationwide had hypertension, compared to just 9.2% of the Johnson
& Johnson population. In addition, he says, “our healthcare costs in the
U.S. are, on average, two to three percentage points lower than the costs most
major corporations deal with on an annual basis.” So how does Johnson &
Johnson plan to make its already healthy workforce even healthier? With a mix
of no-brainer and ingenious initiatives that are paying off for employees and
employer alike. (25, 2. A. (n.d.).
In Stage 2, companies make “value chains sustainable” by working
with suppliers and retailers to develop more sustainable practices and
products. J&J recognize that their impact and the value they create as a
company extend well beyond our own operation. There are many opportunities to
maximize the positive impacts and minimize the risks along each stage of
J&J’s value chain. J&J utilize the Priority Topics Assessment results
to analyze their priorities in context to their value chain. The results of the
Priority Topics Assessment informs their reporting, their priority topic
management, reputation insights, and analytics and communication activities.
(Priority Topics &
Value Chain. (n.d.).
In Stage 3, companies recognize consumer segments which prefer
sustainable products and services and begin to design or redesign products for
them. Johnson & Johnson has a global, regional and local business presence
through more than 230 operating companies in 60 countries. J&J direct
business activities have a multiplying effect that ripples through local economies.
They implement and evaluate programs that drive social impact in areas
influencing the health of communities, including strengthening health systems
and improving individual health behaviors and outcomes. Responsibility for
community impact and development is held by numerous enterprise, regional, and
local J&J teams, particularly Worldwide Government Affairs & Policy
(GA&P) and Global Community Impact, as well as Global Public Health. For a
company that draws one-quarter of its global revenue from products introduced
within the past five years, innovation is key. Collectively, these products
represent 59 improvements in material selection, 55 in packaging materials and
39 in energy usage and more than $8 billion in revenue. Worldwide Government
Affairs and Global Health Policy have commissioned and led more than a dozen
econometric studies estimating the economic and social impacts of Johnson &
Johnson in select markets to equip the Company for smarter engagement on local
health and health policy issues.
In Stage 4, firms “develop new business models” by rethinking both
process and product. A new business model is when companies meet customer needs
by creating both new products and new processes. Johnson & Johnson business
model innovation leads to calculate risk and success. J&J finds new ways to
connect with their consumers by considering what needs are meant to be met.
When they entered into South Korea with the new EYE DEFINE STUDIO by ACUVUE® J&J
found themselves in a situation where their ability to reach people had stalled
in South Korea. Then, J&J asked themselves “Could Business Model Innovation
(BMI) help to stimulate growth?” (04, 2. M. (n.d.). So J&J set out to create the perfect test pilot for. They got
to know their consumer in ways they never have before. They asked people what
they want and built something just for them. J&J envisioned a pop-up store
within a beauty store in a shopping district in Seoul, South Korea. In
listening to locals J&J quickly understood it wasn't just about selling the
benefits of enhancement contact lenses but about helping people overcome
preconceived notions and expectations of contact lense stores.
In Stage 5, companies must “create next-practice platforms” by
questioning the assumptions underlying their current business practices.
Johnson & Johnson debuts its new Center for Device Innovation at Texas
Medical Center (CDI @ TMC). It's a state of the art innovation hub equipped
with cutting edge amenities controlled by a surgeon and medical device
entrepreneur who has dozens of patents to his name. CDI @ TMC is in
collaboration amon Johnson & Jonson Medical Devices Companies, Johnson
& Johnson Innovation and Houston’s Texas Medical Center, and is the world's
largest medical complex. This medical complex will develop breakthroughs in
medicine designed to make surgery minimally invasive as possible, as well as
bringing the most cutting edge medical technology in the world today. Their
shared goal: develop breakthrough medical devices designed to make surgery less
invasive, as well as innovate ways to bring cutting edge procedures to
underserved populations around the globe. (08,
2. K. (n.d.). This plan is just one of many that J&J has invested in for
the advancement of global medicine.
Johnson & Johnson’s Approach on ESG Issues
Using a Materiality Map
In the article The
Performance Frontier they explain how materiality is determined. “The
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) has identified five broad
categories of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that can
affect a firm’s financial performance and therefore be highly material to
investors (Eccles and Serafeim, 2013). From one industry to the next,
the materiality of any issue varies. That is why the SASB takes the different
types of stakeholders and evidence of economic impact based on any evidence.
“Companies can use a similar approach to find out which ESG issues are most
material to their investors if SASB assessments for their industry are not yet
available (Eccles and Serafeim, 2013)”.
Johnson and Johnson is a medical equipment
pharmaceutical industry. There is a materiality map for the medical equipment
and pharmaceutical industry. Based upon the SASB Materiality map for both the
pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry. Analyzing the SASB materiality
map we discovered that for the ESG issues both the pharmaceutical and medical
equipment industry had similar ways of addressing the ESG issues. Based on the
SASB Materiality Map solutions for the environmental issues consist of energy management,
wastewater management, waste and hazardous management. Energy Management is a
solution that includes planning of energy production and energy consumption.
Next, wastewater management is a solution includes finding an efficient
way to convert wastewater back into the water cycle with minimal impact on the
environment. Finally, waste and
hazardous materials management is a solution that includes managing as well as
preventing any items or agents that are deemed harmful to either humans,
animals, or the environment. These are the solutions on the Materiality Map
that most pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries use to resolve
environmental issues.
Johnson and Johnson
approaches environmental issues by joining the White House American Business
Act on Climate Pledge. This pledge aspires to reduce absolute carbon emission
20% by 2020 and 80% by 2050. The pledge also would like to produce 20% of
electricity from clean/renewable sources by 2020. Due to Johnson and Johnson
being a global business they also try to lower their environmental footprint
through innovative approaches. Johnson and Johnson also manages their energy
through a formal energy management program that started 30 years ago. Johnson
and Johnson are continuously working to improve the environment around the
globe. The next issue that is apart of the ESG are the social issues.
Based on the SASB Materiality Map solutions
for the social issues consist of human rights, community relations, and
customer welfare. Human rights are a right that is believed to belong to every
person no matter what. Johnson & Johnson approaches human rights by
ensuring that there are human rights opportunities in the workplace, clinical
research ethics, and improving access to health care. Johnson & Johnson
have a commitment to respecting human rights which is located in the Universal
Declaration of Human rights. Johnson and Johnson also follows the principles,
guidelines, and policies that exemplify human rights for employees. Johnson and
Johnson provide employees with the freedom to create a formal employee
organization that will represent through the enterprise. Johnson and Johnson
value the basic rights of everyone involved in their company.
Corporate Governance is the final issue that
is a part of the ESG. Based on the SASB Materiality Map, solutions include
business ethics, supply chain management, and transparency of payments. Johnson
and Johnson approaches Corporate Governance through their board of directors,
which are their highest governance body. The board of directors consist of a
diverse group of people that are elected by shareholders annually.
Shareholders, employees, and others have the ability to contact the board or
any directors by writing them c/o Johnson & Johnson.
Based on the SASB, the
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that the medical equipment
as well as the pharmaceutical industry are displayed with ways to handle the
issues. Johnson and Johnson is a pharmaceutical/ medical equipment industry
that have their own way of handling them. The company Johnson and Johnson have
the Climate pledge which is an act with the white house that reduces absolute
carbon in the future. The company also values human rights for their employees
by allowing them to establish an organization. The company also has ethical
practices they follow through their board of directors. Johnson and Johnson is
a company that cares about the ESG issues and are handling them accordingly.
Johnson & Johnson is part of the few ten percent companies who
are considered walkers when it comes to those companies committed to doing
sustainable practices. Johnson & Johnson success in the business world is
the origin of creating an outstanding high-quality product and continue to
innovate in their products to such a point of creating a product value for all
their customers. On top of the excellent products Johnson & Johnson have
available in the market, they are now investing in what is the present and
future of our planet, the world citizens, and their own company.
Johnson & Johnson is a company that called our group attention
and need to continue to investigate in their company to find out about how they
are really helping the environment, society, and their financials. Therefore,
our group would be conducting a single case study on Johnson & Johnson to
analyze and comprehend their sustainable strategy. In order to obtain the data,
we need to then convert it into information to better understand Johnson &
Johnson sustainable strategy our group would analyze their sustainability
report, company articles, and social media which could be nowadays the more
effective source of advisement in the whole world.
Literature Review:
Johnson & Johnson targets supply chain for health care
sustainability (article)
According to Clark, A. Al Iannuzzi senior director of environment,
health, safety & sustainability for Johnson & Johnson, though in the
necessity for Johnson & Johnson to be a more sustainable responsible
company and the supply chain was key in the improvement of Johnson &
Johnson’ environmental, social and economic progress for the present and
The article also mentioned that a good example of Johnson &
Johnson improvement in sustainability is the impact in areas of waste, energy,
water, materials, packaging, social impact, and innovation. These also show
that when a company becomes sustainable it would also become more innovate with
their products and services to a point where their customers would have the
need to obtain sustainable products, and this can be an excellent business
opportunity to increase profits while helping the environment and creating a
product value for all their customers.
Climate Change (article)
This article concentrates in the effects of
climate change in our planet. Greenhouse gases continue to spread, since CO2
can’t be absorbed due to deforestation. So, all the heat would contribute with
global warming. Some of the consequences of global warming is raised of ocean
levels this is happening because the glaciers are melting, this also affects
the habit of some animals such as the polar bear.
Johnson & Johnson is a company that cares about the
environment and the planet, that’s why they are now investing in obtaining
renewable energy. This type of investments is huge but in the long run it would
help to increase revenue thanks to the reduction in the cost of manufacturing
their products.
Creating Shared Value (article)
This article explains how business because so interested only in
the well of their organizations and kind of forget about the importance of
satisfying the value needs of their customers. It is important for
organizations to do things for the benefits of the society such as caring about
the society having a healthier lifestyle. Johnson and Johnson create value for
their customers and a good example is the fact of donating medicine to improve
children health. So, investing in your customers and your employees is a good
way to create share value and a great way to bring businesses and customers
back together.
Social Media
Social media’s play a key role nowadays in the success of
organizations. According to the Statistics Portal up 2.46 billion people used
social media in 2017 and just in the U.S. 81% of the population uses social
media. Those numbers are in fact the demonstrates that people are always
getting information of what is going on around the world, it is a tool that can
show who is helping the environment and the society and who is not.
The main two social media use by Johnson & Johnson are
Facebook, Twitter. In these two platforms, Johnson & Johnson post what they
are doing to be a social and environmental caring company. A good example posts
about how Johnson & Johnson is empowering children through education.
Johnson & Johnson also used social media to receive feedback
from their followers. Feedback can help improve in their present and future to
continue improving the lifestyle of the world population. When a person in this
situation a follower obtain information about how this company is trying to help
the environment and society, the person would obtain a good feeling about the
company and would gain a product value and would finally feel good about buying
Johnson & Johnson products.
Research Method
Our group decided to do a case study method to conduct the
research on Johnson & Johnson. We would gather information regarding
Johnson & Johnson’s involvement in sustainability by researching on company
articles within the last two years, as well as; social media posts, watchdog
organizations and the (GRI) and (IR).
Going over (IR) allowed us to understand how Johnson and Johnson
are helping protect the environment and society, but on top of that, it gave us
a step further in comprehending what is the actual impact of having a
sustainable company when it comes to finances.
We have decided to analyze all qualitative data obtained regarding
Johnson & Johnson is a sustainable responsible company. The reason we chose
this type of data is that we get to understand how Johnson & Johnson
sustainable practices are positively impacting in people’s lives, especially
those that don’t have the resources to have a decent lifestyle. A good example
that shows how the good practices of Johnson & Johnson are impacting
society is the more than one billion donations of Vermox doses to treat over
one hundred million children annually at risk for intestinal worms and helped
decrease the infections by twenty-six million.
Those type of actions from Johnson & Johnson are the ones that
motivated our group to look closely at the qualitative data in terms of helping
society with real actions instead of just promises.
Overall, our research on Johnson & Johnson sustainability
practices has convinced us that this company is investing in their customers.
This research also showed us that this long-term investment brings its benefits
later for the company and it would help to cut the cost of manufacturing the
company products. In addition, we could technically see how Johnson &
Johnson cares about protecting the planet, and they want to help society to
have a decent lifestyle, where they can have access to the basic needs that any
human being has the right to have access such as a healthier life, and a
healthier environment for this generations and the ones to come.
How Six
Americans Changed Their Minds About Global Warming
Many people do not believe that the climate
change is a reality. Some people think that climate change is caused by natural
process and not by human factor. In fact, climate changes are actually mainly
provoked by humans. Today a high percentage of Americans are being
educated about dangers of the climate change.
More and more people are coming to accept the reality of climate change. Some countries in the world are working hard
with regards to this issue; although, some world leaders continue think that it
is myth, for example, Rev. Richard Cizik.
Climate change is not a thing of today; it a
consequence that has been provoked for many years. Previously, when
someone spoke out about climate change he/she was labeled an insane
person. People in power, such as a
politicians and religious figures, never pay attention to these allegations and
proceeded to ignore the facts. These people are the minority because
today many countries in the world are working on improving the climate change
challenge. Now that natural disasters are causing damage to the ecosystem and
flooding has devastated communities, people are becoming more aware of this
issue. Ms. Rukavina who was a nonbeliever of climate change is a clear
example that the people need to be educated regarding Global Warming.
Humans do not reflect on climate change
until they affected by it. Every day there are more people affected in
the world. People who work in coal mines
know that this job deteriorates the environment, and due to mining, the
territories where cattle were cultivated and raised have been deforested for
the coal mine practice. Mr. Sturgill who had suffered the impact of this
practice, now understands the importance of preservation of the environment and
the effects of the climate change. Many
people are gradually having eye opening experiences.
Changes in temperature of the planet have
affected the lifestyle of people in many ways with people in poverty and
children being the most affected. These people live in areas more exposed to
the effects of the climate change because these areas are more prone to floods
and many of them are from countries where this phenomenon has devastated many
people. If the people are educated and act now about this issue, the new
generations will enjoy a better life because the most disadvantaged people are
the ones that are most affected.
One of the forms to educate people is by
explaining to them the importance of the recycling and the benefits it has for
the environment and ecology. The huge quantity of garbage deposited in
landfills is one major cause of environmental pollution. If people are taught
to recycle, the environmental changes will be drastic. By recycling we
increase the amount of still usable raw material, and the processes to create
products, transport, extraction, manufacturer, energetic expense will be
decreased by taking advantage of recycled resources.
Many are people indifferent or do not
believe in the Global Warming. Many of them do not accept that we are in
a global epidemic and that every day, risks are greater and greater.
There are different concepts about this issue, some people believe that
the climate change is something normal, and they assume that it is simply a way
for companies to profit. Other groups of people try to minimize the problem,
and they don’t care about it because they leave the responsibility to officials
that are working on the matter. But the worst is that there is group of people
that is indifferent to this problem that should concern us all. This group of
people is the one that causes the most damage because they have no intention of
cooperating to help solve the problem.
Global warming is very evident and countries
around the world are working harder each day. These countries work for
eradication of the poverty and the welfare of the people, but the climate
changes are affecting this effort. The political leaders should contemplate a
budget to fight for the conservation of the environment. If these leaders
invest more time and money in campaigns for the preservation of the
environment, world citizens will be educated and will become more aware of this
phenomenon that affects us all.
Business Case Study 1: Interface Flor
The methods of business that take, make, and dispose are not
contributing the making the world a more sustainable place. They are producing
more landfill that sits and pollutes the earth. Other business are heading in a
new direction in the supply chair they are creating a circular economy. A
circular economy is the process of remaking, reusing of materials to hopefully
eliminate waste all together. Interface Flor, a carpeting manufacturer, focuses
on circular economy to create shared value. In their process the cut out waste
all together. They did that by reusing the excess material cut off from the
carpets. The three stage process of recreating the new material to be used
again. Interface Flor is able to close the loop entirely. In addition, the use
of recycle products such as limestone into their products. Also they cut 60% of
the energy used with their intelligent converter by only conveying their
carpets when the tiles need to be transported. As well as, consumers of
Interface Flor can rent their carpets and return them after. Then the company
will repair and maintain it and reprocess it. This method helps make more of a
profit and cuts waste.
Interface Flor’s goal is to be 100% sustainable by 2020. They
already have been using green methods since 1998. Their goal is for all their
materials used into producing the carpets will be 100% recycled and renewable.
Interface Flor became who are they because they reshaped their
processors, thinking, and the whole business to become sustainable. The use the
sustainable product design principles of renewable and local materials, modular
design, and energy saving. They were successful in closing the loop of
producing waste. The reuse their own carpets and use other local recycled
materials. They use rented carpet and repair it so it can be used again. They
save energy by only conveying carpets that are ready to be shipped.
In my opinion Interface Flor set a high bar for other companies
by being able to completely cut out waste. Other companies should consider
rethinking and reshaping the way they do business to have more outcomes like
Interface Flor.
Business Case Study 2: Nike
Nike is a high performance shoe and apparel company. Nike
realize sustainability products are the future and with that they chose to
change the way the product their merchandise. In the case study the focus was
on how Nike produces their popular line of trainers. They believe in
performance over sustainability; which means they would rather have a high
performance products than just an environmental one. They wanted to make a shoe
with less toxins, less waste, environmentally friendly, and sustainable product
innovation. They took these designs and imputed them into their best selling
products. For instance hey try to use as much material as possible so there is
minimal waste of the material. In order to get the full life cycle of a shoe
Nike set up a recycling program to reuse and the different materials can be
used for other sports purposes. In addition Nike also makes their apparel out
of plastic. This methods helps minimize the amount of plastic that ends up in a
Nike considers the choices and the impacts of those choices.
They take the extra time to make sure their ethos of their product line takes
an extra looks to being sustainable. They set the bar high to reach their goals
and once they do they set the bar again.
Nike’s competitive capabilities focus on the quality of their
product. They prioritize what goes into their shoes and apparel to make it
sustainable. They considered factors is to be high performance and sustainable
so their solutions was to recreate the the materials that go into their
products to have a high performance and environmentally friendly outcome.
Nike’s recycling shoe program considers what consumers can do after they are
tired of their shoes. In the programs the shoes are chopped up and used for
other sports purposes. They helps reduce the amount of shoes that get tossed in
the trash and seat in landfills. The use plastic materials to recreate into
apparel which have an outcome of reduces the amount of plastic in landfills.
In my opinion Nike has some of the best quality products in the
sports apparel industry. Their methods of innovation is going to make an impact
on our culture of progressing in the way we value, use and reuse our shoes.
Chapter 12 Summary
As we all know profit is the main priority of the majority of
organizations around the world. We don’t blame them because we are coming
from some generations that raised seen how companies just try to make tons of
money with their products and services. However, our minds are finally
understanding the consequences of obtaining those big profits. Nowadays, we can
see the effects in the planet and society of those big companies that
manufacture their product thinking just about the money they would be making
and never considering the causes in our planet of the way they manufacture
their products. Climate change is a good example of improper operation
management. However, there is also the opportunity for all organizations to
start making a positive impact to the planet’s environment and a perfect way is
to practice a sustainable operational management, which is what this chapter is
If a company wants to have a sustainable operational management,
they need to change the way they see their five performance objectives.
According to the chapter those five performances are: cost, quality, speed,
dependability, and flexibility All companies always think about how much would
cost to manufacture their products instead of placing cost at the end and
instead think about how they can manufacture their products in a way that can’t
reduce the negative impact to the environment. Most of those organizations that
do not follow a sustainable operational management are blind about what
benefits can bring to their company if they become sustainable. A good example
is Johnson & Johnson, “they completed more than 60 energy reduction
projections, which represented $187 million in capital investments, and it
fully expects to reduce its annual CO 2 emissions by 129,000 tonnes and at the
same time provide an internal rate of return of almost 19%” (Cheeseman 2012).
This type of changes in their operations has created an excellent image for
this company because it shows that they care about the environment and those
type of actions incentives individuals to buy their products. In addition,
J&J reduce their cost in manufacturing their products thanks to the way
they are obtaining the energy they need to manufacture their products.
There are Three different approaches to improve the performing
objectives mentioned before.
The first approach is called Trade-Off and during this approach, a
company continues to work with the same resources they have but the management
team might change some policies to satisfy their consumer need. Like the
example provided in the book where they explain how analyzing how a pesticide
can kill birds which are part of the environment. So, looking for new ways
would help to improve a company in being sustainable.
The second approach is called Technology. This approach is about
to continue to innovate with new technology that can help reduce the negative
impact in the environment of companies manufacturing their products. Like for
example the solar panels that allow organizations to use natural energy
obtained from the sun.
The third approach is called Systems. In this approach,
organizations should consider how can their products be recycled once they
complete the full use of the product. extending the product durance could also
be a good way to prevent the manufacturing of more of the products since they
will last longer. however, this type of practices is not well welcome for
companies because longer life in products means less purchasing from their
customers, so it could get tricky. Of course, it all depends on the personal
point of view.
The chapter also talks about Green and Lean Manufacturing. In this
practice, operation managers try their best to only order the right amount of
materials they need for their operations. The whole idea of Green and Lean
Manufacturing is to manufacture only the right number of products that are
needing to satisfy the demand. Following this idea would help reduce the number
of raw materials been transported from one place to another, it is important to
highlight that with all types of transportation collaborate with the rise of
greenhouse gases to the environment. The application of lean and green
practices would guide to organizations being more environmentally responsible.
Life-Cycle Assessment is the stage all operational managers
analyze the whole process of manufacturing a product to find out how much water
and other raw material have to be used from the very first creation of the
product till its final disposal stage.
Sustainable Product Design is a method where organizations think
very deeply about how the can design a product that can be sustainable. It
could be the product being sustainable like for example a hat made out of
recycling material or a brand-new product that can be then recycle and use in a
different way. This could be a very effective way to attract all of those
consumers that love trying innovation.
Therefore, our personal opinion about this chapter which we
believe could be one of the most important chapters in the book because of the
fact that it helped us realized that reducing the cost of manufacturing a
product doesn’t always mean obtaining a bigger profit. There are other aspects
to take in consideration than just the profit, thinking about how we are manufacturing
the products and how is affecting the environment is a very important one that
comes with other benefits such as cost reduction, products innovations, and new
consumers which means more sales and probably bigger profits while helping the
environment. So, having a sustainable operational management is a most that
would help organizations to earn respect and money.
Chapter 13 Summary
The Concept Of Supply Chain Management
In chapter 13 of the
Business Student’s Guide to Sustainable Management readers begin to understand
the concept of supply chain management. “The management of upstream and
downstream relationships with suppliers and customers to deliver superior
customer value at less cost to the supply chain as a whole (Christopher 2011:
3). Upstream to downstream show the flow that materials go starting from the
source and ending at the point of distribution. Outsourcing has grown rapidly
in supply chain management because organizations commission a third-party
supplier to execute activities such as offshoring and global sourcing.
Consumerism keeps increasing which makes supply chain activity have a greater
impact on social, environmental and economic sustainability issues.
Social Sustainability In The Supply Chain
Social Aspects of supply chain management question how the
working conditions of supplier factories in developing countries. As global
supply chains started increasing fears increased as well. In Europe and North
America opportunities for a well regulated job with high level security waThe
media starting exposing child labour, forced labour, poverty wages, excessive
overtime and general exploitation of workers in the supply chains of some
famous brands.
Modern Slavery In The Supply Chain
The exploitation of a person who is deprived of individual
liberty anywhere along the supply chain defines modern slavery. Examples of
modern day slavery includes child trafficking, child labour, debt bondage, and
forced labour. Since 2015 under the Modern Slavery act organizations must
produce an annual statement of the steps they’ve taken during the financial
year. This secures that in the company’s own operations or supply chains there
is no slavery or human trafficking taking place.
Environmentally Sustainable Supply Chain
supply chain management is an environmental thinking strategy that practices
saving energy, reducing carbon emissions, service delivery, and logistics by
using alternative energy sources. “There is a lack of consensus regarding the
key drivers to instituting a sustainable supply chain whether legislative,
commercial or environmental (Ginsberg and Bloom 2004)”. Achieving a sustainable
supply chain initiative is implemented in two ways that are imposed by
suppliers, legislation, or code of conducts
Reverse Supply Chain
reverse supply chain is a growing phenomenon in sustainable supply, as
legislation, cost pressure and shortage of materials that make it more viable
for all kinds of recycled items to find their way back into the supply chain -
sometimes as completely different products - in a phenomenon known as cradle to
cradle design (Lovins 2008)”. The reverse supply chain includes packaging
materials for reuse, reclaiming fuel, water, or waste to be recycled. The
design for reverse supply chain entails that it is just like any other supply
chain and it exposes a trade off between environmental and social benefits.
Supply Chain Traceability and Transparency
is “The ability to identify and trace the history, distribution, location and
application of products, parts and materials to ensure the reliability of
sustainability claims (Molthan-Hill, Petra 2017)”. Data systems are an approach
for traceability that enable businesses to maintain knowledge of the supply
chain steps. “Transparency in the supply chain involves making details about
the provenance of products and materials available to customers and
stakeholders, and is enabled by tracking technologies and the internet (Molthan-Hill,
Petra 2017)”. To protect businesses against substitution and counterfeiting
analyst predict that businesses who reveal product origins will build trust and
reputation that will protect the business. A concern in supply chain management
is corruption. Corruption comes in forms of financial incentives, gifts to
buyers that influence selection decisions, personal relationships,
incentivising buyers, officials, and etc. When companies address corruption
they are developing a sustainable business environment. Experts advocate for
transparency, greater simplicity as well as re-education for suppliers and
employees on the codes of conduct.
Below is Table 1 of that links ten principles to aspects of
sustainable supply chain management.
Table 1
Principles of the
Global Compact
Supply chain response
Human rights
Principle 1
Businesses should
support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
Adopt effective
supplier selection policies
Ensure even
distribution of value-adding activity and reward throughout the supply chain
Principle 2
Make sure that they
are not complicit in human rights abuses
Establish supplier
codes of conduct and monitoring beyond tier 1 suppliers
Implement supplier
development programmes
Principle 3
Businesses should
uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right
to collective bargaining
Incorporate freedom of
association into supplier selection criteria and code of conduct
Principle 4
The elimination of all
forms of forced and compulsory labour
Adhere to the Modern
Slavery Act in the UK and voluntary codes elsewhere
Principle 5
The effective
abolition of child labour
Implement monitoring
beyond tier 1 suppliers
Principle 6
The elimination of
discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
Incorporate equal
opportunities into supplier selection criteria and code of conduct
Principle 7
Businesses should
support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
Map all stages of the
supply chain and identify areas of highest risk or impact
Work with suppliers
and customers to address high-risk areas
Principle 8
Undertake initiatives
to promote greater environmental responsibility
Adopt recognised traceability
standards for materials and upstream processes
Manage waste, resource
utilisation and emissions
Principle 9
Encourage the
development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
Collaborate with
suppliers to invest in, develop and adopt new processes and technologies
Principle 10
Businesses should work
against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
Ensure that
procurement processes are fair and transparent
Establish codes of
conduct and educate suppliers and staff to implement high standards
Simplify supply chains
to aid traceability
Life Cycle Assessments
Johnson and Johnson
uses the Earthwards process to ensure that products will have a positive impact
on consumers, the planet, and the bottom line. It addresses environmental,
social, and governance matters and focuses primarily on evaluating the product and
making it environmentally friendly. The product that has been recognized by
this process is the Neutrogena Naturals – Purifying Facial Cleanser which
successfully achieved improvement in three of the seven categories. These
categories were made by Johnson and Johnson in order to achieve their goal
which is to reduce environmental impact. The seven categories are: Materials,
Packaging, Energy, Wastewater, Social, and Innovation. As mentioned before,
this product improved in three categories; Materials, Packaging, and Social and
that is enough to successfully emerge from the Edwards process. After
conducting a Life Cycle Assessment, Johnson and Johnson believed these three
categories needed to be addressed first due to the fact that this product had
an impact on climate change and cancer causing therefore a new method of
production needed to be adopted. Many chemical elements such as Allantoin, and
Triethanolamine were being used in excess and that was causing skin cancer.
Also it was proved that the water they used was not healthy.
Now the product is
made mostly of natural components, the container can be used again, and now
they purify the water before using it.
Materials: Natural ingredients derived from plants are used in order to
make this product. 94% natural is the average of the line.
Packaging: It contains 30% post-consumer recycled content.
Social: It promotes clean
water projects.
It is important to
emphasize that the Earthwards process has four steps; Satisfy prerequisites,
Life cycle screening, Identify potential improvement, and Review. The product,
in this case the Neutrogena Naturals is expected to score a high grade on each
of these steps in order to be considered as a product that is designed to
protect the environment, and the people. In this process the product is
basically studied and the company find ways to reduce any negative factors such
as water waste, energy waste, toxic material and others.
In their main website,
Johnson and Johnson states that they are a company that recognizes that each of
their products has a footprint, whether it is the energy used to operate a
medical device or the materials required to package a consumer product.
However, the earth, the place where they get all the resources to produce or to
deliver a product, will not keep up with the demand in twenty years from now.
Our planet will suffer serious consequences and the environment where we live
will be totally contaminated.
Their solution to this
problem was to develop a new strategy that will help them eliminate waste and
use resources more efficiently. As previously mentioned, they came up with the
Earthwards process, which is a team of experts that analyzes every product and
find ways to make it environmentally-friendly. In regards to this question;
yes, they have used sustainable product design principles for a lot of their
products. Their more recent products that received recognition from the
Earthwards process are: The Clean and Clear – Acne Triple Clear, and the
Intelence – Etravirine Tablets. For each of these products they created green
chemistry ingredients and they actually were the first ones to use metal free
pump. They reduced 74.8% in solvent material, and 74.8% reduction in waste from
manufacturing. In the packaging process, they reduced 31% of energy waste. It
is also important to point out how other products such as medical devices
products reduced 77% water used for sterilization and disinfestation. As you
can see, Johnson and Johnson is definitely working towards the benefit of the
earth and the people. Their goal is to find different methods of production for
every product and eliminate anything that is affecting the planet.
Lean Systems
and Johnson use the lean systems approach. The lean systems approach is
minimizing waste to reduce cost, just-in-time production, continuous
improvement, and value stream. They make efforts to close the martial loop to
have a circular economy. They are rethinking the way to crate value to their
customers. By innovating and pursuing opportunities Johnson and and Johnson are
accelerating in the way they do business. For instance, Project Phoenix is a
program to help recycling cooperative in emerging markets improve their
operational processes, develop a stronger social infrastructure and create a
sustainable market for their materials, which Johnson and Johnson purchases.
(Cite) With this program the company hopes to generate value from waste.
Another program, Care to Recycle, shares ways of encouragement to recycle. It
gives helpful link that direct people where and what to recycle. The Closed
Loop Fund invest in improving recycling infrastructure and increasing the
recycling of products and packing in the U.S. The Health Plastics Recycling
Council encourages the health care community to dispose their used products in
a viable, safe, and cost-effective recycling solution. With this program the
goal is to reduce the amount of plastic products and packaging used in the
healthcare community. The Sterilmed is a medical device manufacturer that
reprocessed medical devices to become new and reprocessed. The medical device
will go through the SUD reprocessing cycle to be cleaned, refurbished, tested,
and shipped as a new sterile, high quality product. By doing this the company
cuts cost, reduces the amount of medical devices in a landfill, and reduces the
operating waste disposal cost by 70%.
The term “sustainable
business” is associated with various corporate resources that includes issues that
impacts the company’s environment, help to program employees to live a better and a healthier life, customer
safety programs, community development programs and various fair trade
practices (Borkowski, Welsh, & Wentzel, n.d.).
Sustainable Supply Chain Practices
Johnson and Johnson
sustainable supply chain practices focuses on customers. Customers play a major
role helping patients and consumers around the world to live a healthier and
happier lives. J&J main priority is to meet customers’ needs and demands.
They work with other external parties like hospitals, pharmacies, retailers,
wholesalers and distributors to reach as many people around the world. They aim
to create high quality products and are available at any point of the time for
their customers. Johnson & Johnson are all set to achieve their 2020
Citizenship & Sustainability goals that will create a positive shift
for the company. The company is aspiring to change the way they look at key
citizenship and sustainability issues and focusing more on material
impacts, such as targeting additional
reductions or improving year by year. These goals are measure specifically to reflect
Johnson & Johnson’s long term planning to make people everywhere across the
global healthier. The company has focused on identifying three main factors:
People, Places and Practices 10 The three priorities are identified as three
pillars: These three pillars are a significant component in creating value
through innovation, promoting global reach, being excellent in execution and
reaching purpose. Mainly, the company views citizenship and sustainability as a
basic component to helping billions of people worldwide.
Local sourcing
Create health care
access to three emerging countries (China, Brazil, India) and demonstrate improvements in health services, economic, productivity. The first pillar “People”,
targets individual’s health and safety. Johnson and Johnson has been
operating for over decades now and have created massive customer loyalty, and
it’s just right that they give back to the people who are affected in different
misfortunate circumstances. They are trying to make sure people are living a healthy and a sustainable life.
This shows that Johnson & Johnson are aware of the problems and
circumstances of the world. People in the less developed countries are getting affected
everyday with different sickness, poverty and climate issues, it is nice that
corporations like Johnson and Johnson are actually investing billions on making these circumstances better. This is the perfect example of a proper “CSR” company.
However, the only concern with this
section (“People”) is that customers
are not aware of these that the company is providing to the people. The more
customers they reach, the better responds, help and even reputation will be
achieved by Johnson and Johnson. This is more about focusing within the company
to eliminate different problems such products and ingredients, environmental
issues and many others. They believe that, first change should come from within
the company than this will affect the other surroundings of the company.
However, being a huge multinational company they should be aware with other
factors such as waste that they should tackle in order to be more sustainable.
Reverse Logistics
Any logistics involved
after the point of sale to recapture value and ensure proper disposal of
returned product, is called reverse logistics. This aftermarket activity
involves activities like refurbishment, replacement, remanufacturing, scrap and
even excess inventory, recycling programs, hazardous programs, proper equipment
disposition and asset recovery. Many firms now take the material back through
supply chains as an important capability in logistics. Strategic weapons places
emphasis on business functions such as finance, marketing but also logistics.
Johnson & Johnson unfortunately has a instance in 1982 and 1986. In 1982
J&J Tylenol poisoning case was a example of how important reverse logistics
can be. Tylenol was laced with cyanide and seven people died. The market value
fell by one billion USD during that time. The same case happened again in 1986
but J&J was ready with efficient reverse logistics system. J&J recalled
the product from every possible store and not just the places where it had been
traced back too. J&J then came up with a tamper proof packaging and was
able to establish its brand. Not every company focuses on their returns policy,
but the investment in reverse logistic system is higher than before and quite
substantial making a company stand out and become more profitable.
Ethical Labor Policies
The final pillar of Johnson and Johnson’s
sustainability strategy is “Practices”, this section of the strategy mainly
emphasizes on different ethical measures that happens within the company. This may include customer
relationship, compliance, procurement and
supplier management, risk management and many
others. Just like the previous pillar,
this pillar also focuses on the
internal aspect of the company. However, Johnson and Johnson should pay more attention on their subsidiary companies
producing their products. Johnson & Johnson has been doing business in many
countries across the world. In every single location, their employees are
responsible to know the rules and regulations that applies to their business.
One of their many employment requirement is to be a responsible corporate
citizen and demonstrates care and respect to their colleagues and to whomever
they do business with, Not being able to follow this, results in civil criminal
penalties and fines, imprisonment and other commercial actions will be directed
towards the employee.
Why is It So Hard for Democracy to Deal with Inequality?
The Democracy and
Inequality are issues that for many years have been in debate around the world.
It has always been believed that democracy contributes to economic growth and
the eradication of poverty and inequality. During the last few years, the
democracy is a process of many changes were the political parties are giving
importance to inequality but unfortunately, they have not reached any agreement
to address this social problem. The left parties believe that they represent
the working and lower middle classes and the right parties assume the they
represent them, but in reality, these are more political interests for the time
of their campaigns to win votes and achieve their goals.
This article underlines greatly the
differences in the left and right parties of the world. Originally, these
parties were identified very specifically by the socioeconomic structure of the
participants of these parties. Originally, the right republican party in
the United States was identified as high-class, wealthy elite. This has not changed much as times have progressed.
However, the left democratic party was originally identified as voters
with minimal education and low incomes.
The article reports that slowly, gradually the democratic party has
become a party of higher educated voters -college degrees and more. This
gives rise to a party that is considered more elite. Thomas Piketty, a French economist, he has
deemed the republican and democratic parties the “Merchant Right and Brahmin
Left”. The Brahmin Left is explained as the
intellectual elite; an elite that has gained their high status through education
and knowledge. The Merchant Right is described as a society of high
income and high-status people. Although Pickett dubbed the democratic party an
intellectual elite, the party does still include participated and voters of the
working class. Exit polls show this change.
For example, in 1996 59% of democratic voters were not college educated.
In 2016, 54.3% of Hillary Clinton’s voters were college graduates. There is a gradual trend towards higher
educated people in the democratic party.
With such progression noted in the
democratic party, it can be assumed that inequality in society can be
permanently expelled. Adam Bonica’s economic theory states that
“inequality should be at least partially self-correcting in a democracy as increased
inequality leads the median voter to demand more redistribution”.
However, it has been noted that this is not so simple. This mechanism has failed to work. Theorist have constantly explained that very
rich top percent of society still have a majority influence on politics.
The article reports that in the last 30 years, an increasingly high
number of people have donated money to political campaigns. In theory, this seems appropriate that more
people of various statuses are contributing to the democracy of the country.
However, in recent years, courts have raised the bar on how much donors
may contribute allowing “mega donors” to contribute huge amounts of funds to
campaigns. For example, the top 0.01
percent of the population contributed 16% to elections in the 1980s. By
2016, the percentage of the 0.01 top population grew to about 40%. This blatantly states that money buys
influence. This plays a role into why
democracy has been unable to deal with inequality.
The democratic party has changed for the
better, in my opinion, because more people who are better educated are
influencing the voting polls. This, however, is not solving the issue of
inequality. Theoretically, as society
progresses, inequality should diminish. This is not the case. If politics
continue to be “bought” with large sums of funds by the elite, how are the
working class and low-income populations going to benefit from this? More
influences from minorities are necessary.
Circular Economy
A circular economy is
the “Economic model taking into account the
environmental impact of all its stakeholders and that favors all methods of
reducing consumption of raw materials and energy by improving their utilization
and promoting responsible consumption (”. Johnson
and Johnson is a company that does follow the principles of the circular
economy. Johnson and Johnson try to follow the principles of the circular
economy by reducing the raw materials they use and find alternatives to
landfill disposal of their waste streams. “Over the past year, our total waste
increased from 171.7 million kilograms in 2015 to 177.9 millions kilograms in
2016, an increase of 3.6%, reflecting an increase in our nonhazardous waste
generation (”.
On the GoodGuide app they have rated Johnson and
Johnson products. Rogaine products are the top rated products on the app
associated with Johnson and Johnson that have a 8.8 average rating. On the
other hand Desitin is the lowest rating brand products of the Johnson and
Johnson company with an average rating of 1.8. The GoodGuide app gives details
on the rates of each individual product, ingredients, alternative products, and
gives readers information about the brand.
5 analyzed the case studies of Interface Flor and Nike. In which we discovered
different methods those businesses used. Our team summarizes chapter 12 on the
sustainable operations management, as well as chapter 13 which is on the
sustainable supply chain management. The main points in both chapters were the
main focus of the summary. Topics of circular economy, operational management,
and lean systems were discussed. The focus was how businesses need to focus on
the topics discussed in order to create an impact.
From Green IT to Sustainable Innovation
This case study focuses on the study of Hewlett-Packard
(HP) and how a company can go from being Green IT to Green IS to Sustainable
Innovation. To delineate the augmenting relationship between Green IT/IS and
sustainable innovation as well as to reveal the challenges and opportunities
related to sustainable innovation (Michel 2010.)
Green IT is concerned with greening IT. Greening IT is
reducing the impact of IT on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. To do so the
IT artifact and on greening all the stages of the IT lifecycle. The main stages
are manufacturing, use, and disposal. Green IT focuses on the environmental
part of sustainability but not on shared value. The driver of change is
regulating the impact on the environment and energy spending. The nature of
change is reactive and aimed to eliminating waste, increasing efficiency, and
lowering energy costs. The dimension of sustainability of Green IT is
environmental sustainability.
Green IS focus is on the environment. It helps manage
organizations environmental footprint by greening IT. Green IS stressed the
importance of information systems than information technology in dealing with
the environment. The driver of change is cost and regulatory compliance
reporting. The nature of change is reactive and proactive. The aim is to cut
cost and be environmental sustainable.
Sustainable Innovation is a new business approach to create
innovative developments to create long term shareholder and stakeholder value.
It sees every opportunity was a development in the economy, environment and
society. The driver of change is technical and social innovation. It
differentiates from other business practices and is proactive. Unlike Green IT
and Green ;IS it aims to be social and environmentally sustainable.
The case study explored the different greening IT/IS and
sustainable innovation efforts of HP for the past twenty years. HP moved
through each phase of an approach to sustainability. From Green IT to Green IS
to sustainable innovation. Each phase built onto the other.
Green IT: 1990-
Green IT focused on reducing IT footprint. In the 1990s and
so on several regulatory events to place that put the attention on greening the
business and manufactured technologies. Green disposal was a program to recycle
the e-waste that were produced annually. In 1991 HP started a Europe wide
recycling scheme in response to German recycling laws, that forced manufactures
to take back all transport packaging, re-packing, and sales packaging as well
as to collect waste, while prohibiting incineration (Michael 2010.) In 2002
free recycling programs began in California that banned electronics in
landfills. California legislation set up a program to safety discard e-waste.
In 2002 the European Union passed a recycling program, the Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment, that requires manufacturers to collect e-waste for free.
In 2004, HP announced that they will be taking more of a financial burden of
recycling from its customers and local governments. HP also announced free
recycling from programs in the US. Also, to stop sending old equipment to
developing countries. In 1992, HP partnered with Environmental Protection
Agency to use the Energy Star Label to create a new energy efficient computer
Green IS: 2000-
In 2000, HP gained the ISO40001 Certification of
Environmental Management System. The ISO4001 is a voluntary international
standard that specifies the requirements for an environmental management system
needed to manage effectively a company’s impact on the environment (Michael
2010.) HP attributed to managing environmental footprint.
Sustainable Innovation: 2003-
In 2003, HP contributed to the $Can to Toronto’s Schulich
School of Business at York University. They made the contribution to promote
the university’s research and education of next generation global business
leaders. In 2004, CEO, Carly Fiorina made a change and rethought and redesigned
technologies and manufacturing processes. HP up held state regulations
regarding recycling and imitating industry initiatives. HP was globally
responsible in following the Supply Chain Code of Conduct by assessing and
managing stakeholder impacts along the supply chain. HP also involved with
multi stakeholder innovation of sustainable products.
In conclusion, each phase HP built on the other. Each one
was an extension on to the other creating social, environmental and social
value. Green IT and Green IS focused of the environmental value by regulating
waste and cost. Sustainable Innovation focuses on the creation of
environmental, social and economic value which makes it and better focus for
creating more opportunities.
Sustainability Information System Summary
The article Sustainability Innovation Systems focus on the
importance of investing in IT for companies to become more sustainable. We are
now in the 21st and new technologies continue to develop all over
around the planet. Some companies have taken that first step to invest in
technology to create new sustainable products and services, while others prefer
to stay classic and continue to develop their products in old fashion ways that
just hurts the planet’s environment.
This article explains that if a company takes
sustainability seriously and invest money, time, and dedication they can help
reduce the negative impact on the environment that comes from manufacturing
different products or providing services. On the other hand, sustainability
practices can also help a company reduce cost and they can also become innovate
by creating new products and services according to the people’s needs since
nowadays people are more conscious about global warming and the importance of
doing something to help the environment.
The article also mentions the categories of IT roles and
investments and they are as follow: Transactional assets, informational assets,
Infrastructural assets, and strategic assets.
There are five stages of sustainability, they are
compliance, value chain, redesign, new business models, and strategic assets.
The main idea of sustainability innovation system or (SIS) is to propose
accurate investment in each of the stages to obtain the best result from each
Stage one mentioned the importance following rules and
regulations to comply and prevent penalty fees or other negative consequences.
But most importantly companies have the obligation to comply with the
environment. Companies can take compliance as an advantage by following all
rules and regulations and a very good idea could be to go over the companies’
policies to come up with new policies that would help the company be more
sustainable, this is a perfect way to be ahead of the game compare to your
In Stage two companies can make their supply chain
sustainable, by coming up with ideas that can reduce the negative impact of
manufacturing and distribute their products and services. A good example of
supply chain sustainable is to make sure you are getting your raw materials
from companies that are following sustainability ways to obtain that material.
Also, paying attention in what could be the best way to deliver those raw
materials from point A to point B to reduce the number of times you need
transportation for those materials, this is a good way to help reduce CO2
emissions and this would also help the company to reduce the cost of extra
transportation fees.
In stage three is important to run segmentation analysis to
identify what do your customers have in mind. Once you did that, you can
redesign your products and services to make them more sustainable. The article
provided a good example of the Clorox line “Green Works”. These products are
made with plant- and mineral-based cleaning ingredients, biodegradable
ingredients are using to make these products and the Clorox try their best to
use environmentally sustainable packaging when possible.
Stage four is about continuing to innovate and think about
your product or service and come up with ideas to make it more productive and
attractive while being sustainable.
In stage five companies need to focus on creating new
platforms to make the one they already have even better. A good example is
Uber. Uber begin added Uber pool to their app. When a person uses Uber pool,
they are sharing their ride with other riders that are going towards the same
destination they are going to. when an Uber customer uses Uber pool they get
more affordable rates which work for them, it also works for Uber, the Uber
drivers and it works for the environment because it reduces the number of cars
traveling with just one passenger.
Our group thinks that investing in IT is crucial to help
organizations to be more sustainable. New technology won’t stop coming out and
all organizations need to be on top of the game, so they can have an advantage
compared to their competitors. Investing in your company to make more
sustainable can only bring the company positive outcomes, new products, new
customers, and it would make a positive impact on the environment.
Investigation of Sustainability, Innovation Systems and
Stages of Sustainability Maturity
Sustainability is
resource that many companies have been adopting to help the society and our
future generations (Brundtland 1987). Even though, companies work hard they
still have obstacles to achieve their adequate sustainability. Many companies
see sustainability as an opportunity for innovation by which they take
advantage to solve social problems such as poverty, climate change, and
inequality, and their mission is shared values (Porter and Kramer 2011).
Important companies around the world are supporting and integrating this
strategy in their businesses. Doing so, their finances have increased and at
the same time it has been an innovation (Eccles and Serafeim 2013; Nidumolu et
al. 2009).
IT (Information Technology) is the new key to support business
strategies of sustainability. With this new stratum of sustainable companies
are focusing in Green IT problems. Their goal is the reduction of carbon
footprints in the companies. Although, research has centered its
attention on Information Technology oriented more towards strategic business
sustainability (Harmon and Demirkan 2011; Boudreau et al. 2008). These
systems are more focused in sustainability innovation systems which have an
important role in the strategic inversion to allow business sustainability in
each stage of maturity (Abraham and Mohan 2015).
The objective of sustainability is oriented towards
innovation and the companies will find a way to take sustainability as value or
mission to develop and guide innovation which will offer them aggressive
advantages. Companies classify five stages as a direction oriented towards
sustainability. In the first stage, companies see sustainability as a hope and
try to abide with rules and regulation in all regions. Stage two, companies
focus in the sustainable value and they work with suppliers and retailers. The
central idea is to work together to develop sustainable ways. Stage three,
companies observe customer needs and begin to develop sustainable products
according their needs. Stage four, after companies observe customer needs they
develop new business ideas and reevaluate their products and business
mechanism. Stage five, companies develop new business design comparing it with
the previous one (Nidumolu et al. (2009).
According to the company’s business demand, managers take
decisions on IT investments that depend of their objectives or aspirations
which are aimed at improving their business and in this way, they justify the
inversion (Schein 1999; Zuboff 1988).
Stages of Sustainability Maturity
· Automate: IT investment help
companies to streamline their business processes and reduce hiring more
employees and at the same time helps to make the work more efficient and
faster, for example the self-pay machines in the stores.
· Informate: the IT investment
help companies and managers to obtain more accurate and timely information
related to their customers and suppliers. For example, retailers can evaluate
the purchase of a product in his store and then he analyzes how much more he
needs to keep for the other stores.
· Transform: IT investment helps
companies to reconstruct their assets, effectiveness, method, development, and
relationships. These changes can help to change the actual business processes
or figure and allow the company to develop new a product or service. For
example, FedEx overnight delivery model.
Additionally, infrastructure investments should be
actualized including human and technical assets, servers, network, divides,
share database which will provide a new floor that allow companies to
institutionalize technical services established before in the automatic,
information, and transform assets (Dao et al. 2011; Aral and Weill 2007).
soon as companies are involved in the sustainability strategy and the stages of
maturity framework, they start making investments in IT to develop their
sustainability strategy (Abraham and Mohan (2015). Depending on their work plan
and the stages of maturity, each department will apply and invest in the
adequate IT assets which will be mechanisms of innovation. In each of the
maturity stages the work plan has a goal and IT investments will help to
develop and fulfill them such in the stage one with the Green data centers.
develop a study between sustainability and assets was necessary to adopt a
subjective research method (Yin 2009; Ghauri 2004) and this study is an empiric
investigation that focus in depth of the real life. (Yin 2009, p. 18). The
principal idea of this study is to analyze the sustainability strategy
associated with Information Technology Systems. This study also analyzes the
history of sustainability of the company by amassing data. In the
pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry two companies were selected for the
study Johnson & Johnson and Biogen, according to GRI they have been
recognized as sustainable companies between 2009 and 2015. The information
found was surprising because the stages of maturity of sustainability were
Biogen is a company that works in the investigation to
innovation in therapies for people with neurological, autoimmune and
hematologic diseases. In 2016, this company was in list of the most successful
organizations in sustainability according with Corporate Knights Global. They
recompilation of data show that in the years 2009, 2012, and 2015 created a
shared value (Porter and Kramer 2011) by which they apply commercial principles
for social needs. Additionally, Biogen also has influenced in the performance
and cut of waste in the chain value and at the same time work with
universities, ONG and governments. In 2014, Biogen reduced the carbon
emissions with sustainable projects. In 2013, they advance, and they
concentrate in a new strategy “R&D IT” which become the promoter of new
products and the company is reconstructed. After, digital techniques and data
are organized they introduce the personalized medicine and it possible for IT
explanation. When these steps are classified as informate, transform, and
locate them in the third and fourth stage of sustainability. This means that
Biogen is working in the stages of maturity by taking advantage of Information
System Technology which is a potential for growing company.
Johnson & Johnson is a multinational company that
offers medical devices, pharmaceutical and consumer goods. In 2015, the
earnings were over $70 billion. In 2017 was selected by Corporate Knights
Global as 8th out of 100 most sustainable company. According with
the GRI reports J&J is a company devoted TBL by which create a share value
(Porter and Kramer, 2011) because apply their business to the society needs.
J&J has directed its business in global health and transparence. IT has
been for this company a key for new strategies of sustainability such as
websites for stakeholders and mobile divides to inform women in pregnancy
status. The J&J sustainability has been focused in social and environmental
data from the whole company, and the supply chain with the idea that this
information is available for the interest of all.
Johnson & Johnson has developed the stage 2 in more
than half in sustainability making value chain. They share data on
environmental and social impacts such as training or complains through value
chain. The stage 3, was applied offering information about sustainability to
external stakeholders by websites, blogs and texting service. The newest device
is giving an opportunity for a new business model by which offer their services
to whoever is interested. The Johnson & Johnson case showed a base
debilitated in sustainability innovation systems framework because in the stage
automate and infrastructure are to do the value chain, Information is shown in
all stages, but it does not make the next step. Mobile devices offer new
business to support all the stages.
For many years J&J and Biogen have come working in
initiatives of sustainability and the invested made in informate roles. Each
company had different points of view regarding to infrastructure, automate and
transform roles. These two companies have differences with respect to IT sustainability
strategy. The two companies showed interest in the four strategies, but
J&J concentrated more in stage 1 and 2 (63%) they focus more in their
business operations. Biogen interest was in stages 3 and 4 (58%) and they have
more interest in new products business models for sustainability.
In my opinion, helping companies with empirical support
they can develop better each stage to achieve maturity sustainability. Making
IT investments, companies will help managers maintain an information qualified
about all activities of the company. Thus, companies adopting this
technological innovation achieve their sustainable goals. Green IT plays an
important role in this process because it helps to the company for a
transformation oriented to the environment protection. GRI reports can be used
to analyze the sustainability of a company.
New Leadership Has Not Changed Uber
This case certainly caught our attention because Uber is
a company that has rapidly emerged in the last couple years due to their
efficiency and effective service provided to their customers. However, the
article points out how a self-driving Uber killed a pedestrian, which led the
company to a series of scandals in many parts of the world. The article
identifies three main problems caused by this company. The first one mentions
Uber’s purpose which is to subsidize fares and flood streets with its cars, by
doing this, traffic increases significantly and leads to the second problem
which is the increase of carbon emissions. Finally, public transportation and
city taxis are also affected since Uber provides a better service at a cheaper
It clearly seems that Uber’s strategy is smart because
their goal is to offer the lowest prices in the market until their competitors
give up on their business because is not being profitable. Even though it seems
like Uber’s annual losses are constantly increasing, they are aware that this
is part of their strategy, so they keep it like that to be the only ones at the
top in a couple years from now. Many people believe Uber is the best option,
but the question is; based on what assumption, passengers believe Uber is
better? From my perspective I believe Uber is not really addressing
environmental, social, or governance matters because at the end of the day more
and more cars are taking over the city and of course that is causing a negative
impact on the people, and the planet just like the three issues mentioned
before. The company believes they are not causing any damage and one of their
long-term projects is to come up with flying taxis, which I believe it would
revolutionize the market but at the same time, their strategy must be very
strong and become more sustainable to succeed.
As a conclusion, I agree that new methods such as finding
a balance between the number of cars operating at a certain time and traffic
should be applied so that way the city is not congested, and the environment is
not polluted. I also agree that things should work equally for both, for the
ride-sharing companies and for the traditional taxis and as the articles
mentions, especially in terms of background checks for drivers and insurance
requirements. Other regulations such as fair treatment to drivers also must be
taken into consideration because as the article mentions, sometimes drivers
don’t even earn the minimum wage and instead of winning, they are losing and
therefore they quit the job after a year.
Relevant article:
In my Ethic class I did a presentation on the Volkswagen
case and it kind of relates with this one because just like Uber, Volkswagen
was not actually addressing any environmental issues and as a result, they are
still suffering the consequences due to their lack of professionalism. They
were one of the top automakers in the world but once they lied to their customers,
profits went down. This company incorporated a defeat-device to their cars, so
the vehicle can improve performance only when the car was being tested. The
United States Environmental Protection Agency noticed that this German
automaker was violating some of the policies and regulation and therefore they
had to go through a big issue and respond for almost 11 million cars plus
customers suing the company. I believe there is a connection between these two
cases because both companies are not putting too much effort on becoming a
sustainable company and because Uber is not treating drives fairly and on the
other hand, Volkswagen, basically did not care about the environment and its
Chapter 11 Summary
To ensure success in the 21st century
there needs to be a transformational change. “Fortunately, a movement towards
open innovation, propelled by emerging crowdsourcing technology platforms, is
engaging our collective intelligence and commitment in developing the needed
breakthrough innovations (Molthan-Hill, 2017)”. This chapter is primarily
focused on strategic contexts from a business perspective, innovation, and
crowdsourcing. These are then applied to advancing business sustainability.
The Strategic Context
“Business leaders can no longer
ignore shifting investor, customer and employee expectations or the existing
and potential consequences of climate change and threats to business-critical
natural resources (Molthan-Hill, 2017)”. Business leaders have increased in
being progressive with cost savings from energy, water, materials and waste
reduction, and competitive advantages with sustainable technologies/ products.
Sustainability challenges have multiple opportunities that true leaders can
take advantage of to create shared value for stakeholders and investors to see
their business help solve the world’s problems. “If businesses are to remain
competitive, reduce risk, meet customer and market expectations, attract and
retain top talent, and bring inspiring, innovative products and solutions to
the marketplace, we need to reinvent our industrial system to be more
environmentally, socially and economically sustainable (Molthan-Hill, 2017)”.
To stop human climate change, loss of biodiversity, poverty, injustice,
violence, and other global problems there needs to be a transformational
change. Redesigning business models, product designs, production processes,
human resource practices and lifestyles can start restoring ecosystems and
contributing to helping people/communities flourish. “There are improvements,
for example, in: Impact assessment, disclosure and reporting (as of 2015 over
5,000 companies are reporting their carbon-related impacts and risks to CDP ( and, in 2013, 93% of the global 250 largest companies
reported on their sustainability impact, performance and plans) (Molthan-Hill,
Open Innovation
Innovation is generally defined as a
new idea, device or method, and as the act or process of introducing new ideas,
devices or methods (Merriam-Webster 2017). Innovation is generally
defined as a new idea, device or method, and as the act or process of
introducing new ideas, devices or methods (Merriam-Webster 2017). Innovation is
how an idea or invention is utilized in a new product or solution to create a
desired impact. Michael Katz for example defined innovation as “The successful
generation, development and implementation of new and novel ideas, which
introduce new products, processes and/or strategies to a company or enhance
current products, processes and/or strategies leading to commercial success and
possible market leadership and creating value for stakeholders, driving
economic growth and improving standards of living. (Katz 2007)”. There is many
benefits from examining frameworks of analysis on the overall approach to
innovation and how leading corporations are innovating the innovation process
itself. Corporations look to their research and development departments for new
technologies and product development and process improvements for operational
There are six different types of
crowdsourcing mentioned in the book. The first type is Crowd labour. Crowd
labour can be described as “external labour to complete a job or task, for example
Wikipedia, translating works into many languages or accessing content writers
via sites such as (Molthan-Hill, 2017)”. Next, would be
crowdfunding which raises capital from the public through various financial
resources on different sites. These sites include Kickstarter or Indiegogo. The
third type of crowdsourcing is Crowd Creativity which recruits creative designs
to develop things such as corporate logos. Crowd innovation which is the fourth
type of crowdsourcing, develops solutions to a problem. “For example, The
Ansari XPRIZE offered $10 million to the team best able to build a reusable
manned vehicle capable of carrying three people 100 km above the surface of the
Earth and back twice in the span of two weeks, effectively launching the
commercial private space industry (Molthan-Hill, 2017)”. Crowd wisdom is the
fifth type of crowdsourcing that shares information and distributes knowledge.
Citizen science is included by soliciting public input collecting data,
analyzing, and app development. Crowd mapping obtains geographic information to
create collaborative maps that are meaningful. Customer crowdsourcing gathers
customer needs and feedback. Crowd governance try to publicly input on
policy-making and decision-making by engaging on building the community as well
as support participating governance.
“A recent report, The State of
Crowdsourcing 2016 (Roth et al. 2016), found that those Interbrand
‘Best Global Brands’ already using crowd-sourcing in a significant way between
2004 and 2014 increased their usage by over 30% from 2014 to 2015, that the
fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector is leading the application of creative
crowdsourcing (followed by consumer electronics), and that the fastest-growing
application is ideation (crowdsourcing for ideas). The report found the 20
leading major brand consumer products companies using crowdsourcing, in order
of most use, are: Coca-Cola, Danone, Nestlé, Pepsi, Samsung, Hewlett-Packard,
Ford, Nokia, Toyota, General Electric, Microsoft, Google, J&J, Budweiser,
Chevrolet, Shell, Intel, Phillips, Santander and Nescafé (Roth et al.
2016).2 Let’s look
at what is driving this increased interest in crowdsourcing. (Molthan- Hill,
2030 Sustainable Development Goal
The UN Secretary General invited
individuals to define a new set of targets for the Millennium Development Goals
back in 2012. The goal is formally known as Transforming Our World: The 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development. At the UN High Level Panel back in 2013 the
organization ONE advocated for openness to ending poverty. “By April 2013, ONE
Africa Director Dr. Sipho Moyo reported that almost 120,000 people had signed
the ‘Open for Development’ petition (Moyo 2013), while 144,000 had given their
ideas to the ‘You Choose’ campaign about what development should look like in
their countries (Nkombo 2013). This input was delivered directly to world
leaders, who were also told that ‘ONE’s You Choose survey is being adapted to
contribute to the UN’s My World process of soliciting citizens’ views on the
future of development’ (Moyo 2013) (Molthan-Hill, 2017)”.
Geller recommended that there needs to be encouraged
participation through both digital and physical outreach activities to
strengthen fairness and improve participation from HDI (Human Development
Index). Geller had a list of recommendations after Analyzing the e-discussions
reports. From the reports it was revealed that perceptible demographic
imbalance exist among contributors to the MY World survey. This is a dissonance
between the characteristics of participants in the e-discussions and the voices
in the resulting summary report. Crowdsourcing 2030 Agenda is a powerful
example of a more engaging and democratic political process.
Johnson & Johnson Sustainability
Johnson and Johnson take the initiative to be
economically, environmental and socially responsible. J&J have come to the
point where the company is advanced enough to create innovative approaches for
their multi-shareholder and stakeholders. As a healthcare company J&J
believe innovation is progress towards human progress. Therefore, J&J is a
sustainable innovative company. J&J have made efforts towards rethinking
and redesign their products, technologies, and value chain. The company cares
about improving the environment as well as making a social impact. The company
sets up programs in developing countries. The
company also looks for new ways to improve their technology such as their
medical devices to improve the outcomes of their consumers. Overall J&J
thrive to create value for their stakeholders.
In stage five of sustainability J&J has created a
next practice platform. The new Center for Device Innovation at Texas Medical
Center is J&J’s new collaboration with Johnson and Johnson Medical Devices Companies,
J&J Innovation and Houston’s Texas Medical Center now in 2017 J&J ranks
one of the top five companies in the U.S. across all industries for investment
in R&D showing commitment to innovation and creating value. J&J created
medical devices designed to make surgeries less invasive. In addition, these
medical devices perform procedure that can make a difference around the world.
The information technology assets or resource prescribed are strategic assets.
The CDI @ TMC increases innovation for the company and enters the new market of
bring the new cutting-edge procedures to developing parts of the world. J&J
focuses on creating new ways for humans to progress in their health and making
their products and service accessible to all parts of the world.
“Empirical Investigation of SIS” takes annual reports that
are a reliable due to data resources for academic and practice purposes. For
whoever wants to conduct longitudinal empirical investigation study on
sustainability information systems. J&J 2017 Annual Report, 2016 Health for
Humanity Report used for their Citizen & Sustainability is their most
recent approach and reports that have been prepared in accordance with the
Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G4 Core). However, for some indicators, a
response is provided only in the 2015 Citizenship
& Sustainability Report GRI index itself. Recent research and practice have placed more
attention to information systems’ capabilities to enable strategic business
sustainability (Harmon and Demirkan 2011; Boudreau et al. 2008).
J&J moves its focus forward in making future products
and toward Information Technology investments to be made in information assets
such as social media information systems, crowdsourcing and data driven
analytics. For J&J Health for Humanity 2016 Report, had 2020 Goals, I
searched through their GRI index, Annual, in their Health for Humanity reports
using the keywords “IT”, “ICT”, “Information”, “Information Systems”,
“Information technology”, “Internet”, “system”, “Information” to collect my
analysis. The focus of sustainability IS at J&J has been to collect social
and environmental data across the enterprise and its supply chain and to make
it widely available to all its stakeholders. The automate systems too have been
in service to this information role. For some reason there is no discussion in
these reports on a transform role for IT such as the one that Biogen adopted.
One would expect to see that happen going forward. A long-term view of stages
of sustainability maturity shows more than half of J&J’s sustainability IS
have been used to make value chains sustainable. They are used to collect and
share data on environmental and social impacts such as training and grievances
across the value chain. More recently in 2016, mobile devices are providing a
new business model for delivering services to dispersed stakeholders such as
mothers in Indian villages or grassroots entrepreneurs.
This J&J GRI seems to provide weak support for the
sustainability innovation systems framework. Automate and infrastructure roles
are exclusively played in making the value chain sustainable. Informate roles
are played in all states except creating next practice platforms for the
future. Mobile devices are creating opportunities for new business models and
expecting that transform assets will begin to appear to support this stage.
J&J have invested in multiple assets for sustainability initiatives to meet
2020 goals. J&J invested in 30 initiatives is the most of the initiatives
that J&J ever invested in are performed informate. Their investment in
information IT assets is creating sustainability. J&J has a variety of
priorities for infrastructure, automate, and transform roles. J&J invested
in a few automate initiatives. J&J viewing IT to play a more supporting
role. J&J splits their focuses 63% or more on Stage One and Stage Two,
improving sustainable performance of its current business operations.
J&J invested in a couple informate roles aimed at stage
two and started to implement infrastructure or automate roles for stage one.
Their initiatives assess risk in healthcare compliance, developed a database
which enables location on sustainable sites that met requirements. Sustainable
value chains received the most focused initiatives, showing that their
emphasizing on utilizing IT that has improved sustainability performance
operations. For infrastructure J&J has one initiative on standardizing and
simplifying IT systems. J&J initiatives on automate roles are directed on
automatic data storage and retrieval, for their informate roles they invested
11 initiatives. Sustainable products and services is a informate role J&J
has initiated for Stage Three They invested 8 informate roles for multiple tool
to engage and interact with stakeholders, for example corporate blogs, health
info sharing, and tools like text4baby and mobile apps to reach out and share
information with patients, or tools to help sectors are brand product
sustainability on their websites. Stage Four, J&J’s invested in a new
business model that plays three informate roles. J&J’s informate roles are
mobile phone tools to share and reach mothers that are in impoverished
communities and developing countries like India, also systems to collect and
reports health outcomes adding to systems connecting entrepreneurs.
For the beginning of Unit 7 we learned about Systems Thinking.
“Systems Thinking refers to holistic thinking where we consider the big
picture and the impacts of our actions beyond our immediate environment.”
Thinking like this takes problems and reduces them into smaller pieces. This
leads to better progress in various areas that need to think outside of the
box. Working together towards a common goal with a set of components
makes up a system. is a set of components that work together towards a common goal.
Ch. 16 Systems thinking and sustainable management
Systems thinking and Reductionism
Systems thinking, also known as holistic or systemic thinking,
includes all operations in a company’s decision-making progress. The operations
work together to reduce problems and increase impactful outcomes. System
thinking prevents silos in the company. Reductionism approach focuses the
problem of the organization. The reductionism approach is used to increase
productivity and solve engineering and scientific problems. Reductionism could
cause silo mentality. It also focuses on small aspects of a situation that
causes problems. Managers have a difficult time taking a systemic approach to
understand if where and how the chosen ‘slide’ fits within the overall picture.
Managers tend to want the quick solution or move to another issues that is
bigger and avoid systems thinking. This will cause more short term problems,
time pressures, the unavailability of data, information processing limitations
and lack of experience which could hinder the success of a holistic approach
(Molthan-Hill, P).
Boundary/The environment
System boundaries are set to contain the most important elements
and their interactions involved in organization’s challenges to separate them
from others considering less pressing (Molthan-Hill, P). A boundary is an
artificial construct that is not fixed, obvious or natural. Boundaries is scope
and scope is how wide or narrow the system is. Boundaries reflect interest and
social power relations. Boundaries can be closed which means they have little
to no interactions with the environment. The problem with a closed system is it
not being connected with outside elements. According to the Gaia theory,
everything is connected like a butterfly effect. When a butterfly flaps its
wings in one part of the word a hurricane will happen in another part of the
world. When boundaries are open the inside and outside elements are important.
This can mean that it is important for organizations to be aware that impacts
of their business. Companies and individuals tend to focus more on their
operations, without considering their natural, business and social
environments, the long-term survival of their organization could be at risk.
The system
Dynamic systems are mental constructs that work with a purpose. A
system reflects the view of its owner. Whomever creates the systems reflects
their ethical values. Systems exhibit a feedback loop. A system can have
positive or negative feedback. Positive feedback can cause a snowball effect and
the vicious circle which can spiral out of contra m and even threaten the
entire system. The negative feedback mechanisms tend to control or slow down
the overall process.
Diagrams are used to better understand and display information.
There are different types of diagrams used depending on the preference. A
system diagram displays inputs, outputs, processes, boundary, environment and
feedback loop. The spray diagram is use for branching out information. This
information can be expanded and connected to related topics. A mind map is an
example of a spray diagram. A rich picture displays card to like diagram that
has numerical information and also shows people’s feelings and emotion. The
sign diagram which is a way of displaying positive or negative elements. The
flow charts display instructions in stages such as how to do or put together
The future of systems thinking and management
Living and non-living elements will forever connect and interact
with each other. Because of this we have to think of a way for both to live and
grow in harmony. If we continue to ignore the high stakes of not taking care of
the environment when there won’t be much left in the future. That is why it is
important to use holistic thinking approach and include all communities in
which it operates in the decision making processing on issues pertaining to the
organization. To consider system boundaries are open or close to the
environment. And to fully understand purpose of the system. To understand
better organizations can use diagrams to communicate issues in a way that can
be effective. By doing so the future of systems thinking and management and
start to build a holistic and sustainable future.
A Guide To Using Diagrams
This is certainly a very interesting video that started by
discussing the ways in which we communicate in our society. I did not think
diagrams would actually help us to explore different environments and learn
more about it by breaking up topics into different events or ideas. The purpose
of this video is to use diagrams in order to make the topic more understandable
and for that, an example about farming was used in order to explain how
different problems, bad decisions or even natural events lead to more problems,
and unwanted situations. It could also be something good leading to greater
things but in this case the video focuses in how a local community is clearly
affected by the lack of investments in the farming environment and therefore it
leads to other consequences such as no tourism, soil erosion fragility, and no
crops. The next point that the video emphasizes is about making more
investments in order to solve the problem but some policies and regulations are
seen as obstacles to solve this problem. Other topics such as how the future
looks like and the amount of contamination produced by certain activities such
as fishing need to be analyzed and find out how it connects to the major
problem which is the impoverishment of farming. By connecting different events
and ideas, a solution will be reached because diagrams help us to realize what
are the negative factors affecting the success of a product, service, or can
also help us find out a solution to better the environment.
Another example of a spray diagram was shown and it basically explains
the same but with a different topic. The main topic in this case is mobile
phones and it is represented by six main themes which are manufacturing,
packaging, transport, use, infrastructure and end of life. Each of these themes
involved different situations and different events that are either affecting or
contributing to the success of the main topic. Each theme also tries to address
every issue because the goal is to find out ways on how to become more
sustainable. A system map is another type of diagram in which a topic is
discussed and many other themes are involved and analyzed. Each theme mentions
the different roles of the elements involved in the topic and the purpose is to
identify negative factors so those can be eliminated. The video also discusses
how an influence diagram works, and it puts food waste as an example and
realizes that large portions are one of the major negative influences on food
waste and therefore the purpose of using diagrams is to keep breaking the topic
into smaller pieces so we can understand it better. Last but not least, the
video goes over how a multiple cause diagram works and it is a little bit
different from the influence diagram because in this diagram one situation
leads to another or it can go backwards depending on change and cause.
- Operations
- Sustainable
- Life
Cycle Assessment
- Lean
- Sustainable
Product Design
- Circular
- Sustainable
Supply Chains
- Sustainable
Why 2017 was the Best Year in History
The article “Why 2017 was the best year in
history” is about a journalist that choose to talk about the good things that
happened in the world during the year. As the journalist individual says in the
article “we journalist focus on bad news” he believes is time to recognize the
positive things such as: the more than 325,000 people that obtain access to
electricity as well as potable water, another good example provided was the
more than one hundred million children that are enjoying a healthier life
thanks to having reach to vaccinations, as well as diarrhea treatments and
other positive situations that helped our children’s.
This journalist even mentioned that it is
ironic how he says 2017 has been the best year in history when we have a crazy
president and we can enter a nuclear war with North Korea. But them. He
emphasizes the drop in the percentage of children dying than before.
Usually, when we watch the news or read an
article about countries and their people in the Middle East, we read negative
things probably relate to terrorist attacks and deaths. However, the article
highlights the story of Sultana, a young Afghan who was forced to drop out of
elementary school. But Sultana showed the desired to continue with her
education and thanks to her mother’s support and the internet, she was able to
study online. Nowadays, Sultana is in school at Arizona State University.
Overall, Nicholas Kristof the journalist
wrote this article showed the reader that good things also happen on our
planet, that we have good people and that it is important to recognize those
people and situations. It is good to maintain an equilibrium in the news given
to the people. The society should know that there are people trying to make a
better world and we can do the same in our side to help obtain a better result
in order to have a healthier society and a healthier world.
Personal Opinion
Our point of view about this article is
regarding the magnitude of power that journalist can manage and how they
managed. All types of media manage negative news most of the time because the
journalist that search for the news only focus on the negative situations that
happen in our world. Our society is so used to hear, read, and watch bad news
that it became normal and more like a daily routine. This article showed the
reader that good things have been happening in our world, but the media and the
journalist won’t tell us about it. Unfortunately, it sounds like bad news sell
more than good news, however, articles like this one allows the reader to have
a different perspective about what really is going on around the world and
society, leaving a need for the reader to continue to investigate and do things
to support to obtain the goal of having a better society and a better world.
Finally, we take from Mr. Kristof that every new year could be the best year in
history, but that depends in our actions and our attitude.
Systems Thinking Applied To
Johnson & Johnson
System thinking is
combination of segments that work together to develop a specific goal. Johnson
& Johnson has come using natural resources for the elaboration of their
products such as medicines, medical supplies and baby products. The components
for the fabrication of its products are obtained from our planet, and Johnson
& Johnson has focused all its efforts on the preservation of the
environment. They believe that our planet cannot continue satisfying with their
demand, and their goal is to eliminate the concept of waste and look at how the
material loops can be closed.
Johnson & Johnson
considers that the waste can be used to innovation, and they are looking for
ways on how to remodel the concept, open up business and creating a value for
their customers even with having limitations on the use of natural resources.
Johnson & Johnson is developing an ascendable project that helps people
be less wasteful, for example the Phoenix Project. This project is based on
helping people form recycling companies to improve the operative process, make
a more solid infrastructure, and develop a sustainable market for the materials
which Johnson & Johnson will use for the manufacture of its products.
Another program where Johnson & Johnson is applying the System Thinking is
with his program Care to Recycle in which they try to persuade and educate
their customer how recycling is beneficial for our planet and how they can help
to preserve it for the future recycling the empty battles of one their products
such as Listerine Rinse. With this program Johnson & Johnson created Donate
A Photo app where people can share images of how they are helping to protect
our planet. With each photo uploaded, they help nonprofit foundations
such as Students Conservation Association.
Additionally, Johnson &
Johnson is part of the Closed Loop Fund which is dedicated to making recycling
infrastructure better every day and at the same time increasing the recycling
concept in United States. As a Health Care Provider, Johnson & Johnson also
works with its partners to create and build a safe strategy and a reasonable
cost to provide an efficient recycling solution to the hospitals.
Concluding, the goal of
Johnson & Johnson is to reinforce and raise awareness among its customers
on the importance of recycling their products. Their goal is 90% in main
markets and at the same time create strategic alliances to strengthen efforts
and infrastructure in places where recycling is least practiced. Johnson &
Johnson is working hard to create more sustainable products and better
production strategies.
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